Oct 06, 2011 01:03
Mr Ric O'Barry has made his way here to Sunny Island but ironically, it seems like his efforts on persuading RWS to free bottle neck dolphins isn't on the bright side. & I think it's rude that the RWS crew operating this 'activity' stayed indoors when Ric's ALREADY at their doorstep.
Japan is gonna start on their whaling session this Winter and I don't see what has any portions of whales that will benefit us now, and in the near future. If they have the capital to prevent the Sea Shepherd's from stopping them, maybe they could've used those money for the victims of the recent Tsunami/Earthquake? I'm beginning to think twice about Japan needing support from other countries now. ITS THE AUTHORITIES WHO STICKED TO ALLOWING WHALING to take place despite countless outcry to stop it, therefore the authorities are what we call.. The government. So.. Since the government has the money for whaling, which amounts to millions or even billions, I'm sure it could've been put to better use.
Sigh. Why can't humans stop thinking about profiteering and leave the poor animals alone.
Oh and Richard Friday, the trainer for Winter in the movie Dolphin Tale IS on RWS' side. Hmmm, whatever happens to the good of our kind?
We are all gonna be overly dominated by the evil greed from within, soon.
via ljapp