I was doing my assignment when I chanced upon this news on Yahoo before using their search engine.
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I just don't get it - ALL OF THEM.
1. "I worked at a nursing home for a week and I wanted to close fist punch every old person their.They are the most rude,smelly, piece of shit people I ever seen, fuck them." - Youtube:
Bulbawhore 14 minutes ago."
If people are unwilling, why can't they just find something else instead? Is this morally right? Where is their conscience and respect? & that stupid joker must have had his/her brain fried. Aren't this job supposed to be like these? Aren't these the requirements of caregivers/workers/volunteers to be able to put up with? It's SOOO simple - DON'T LIKE, JUST DON'T DO IT!
2. "Based on the mild response by the management, Nightingale Nursing Home should be closed down immediately by the authority instead of just suspending their intake. The management and the authority seem to have taken the matter rather lightly."- Yahoo News:
Bullrun Fri 10 Jun 2011 05:52 SGT
"Rather lightly."
Seriously? Would the respective authorities behave the same way when their OWN kin is being treated this way? I highly doubt so. It's so simple: Companies are profit driven and the higher authorities aren't really pro-efficient in handling matters like these. I'm totally clueness and neither do I get interested in the Elections, but for sure, I know that what both parties have proposed/promised maybe? are just for that period, as quoted:
"What about the opposition MPs/ candidates. Before the election, they talked a lot. care for this and that. One even cried in front of the camera over a poor family. Now, after the election, not a single word from any one of them, (including the one who cried.). WHY? It all boils down to one thing, before the election, when they talked, there was a $16,000 carrot dangling in front of them. We should not blame them. This is human." - Yahoo News:
toh Fri 10 Jun 2011 16:33 SGT
Report Abuse Sigh. It seems like it's rather acceptable that humans make mistakes and get away scot-free, eh?
The 3R's:
No respect.
No regrets.
No repent.
Shame on us, really.