(no subject)

Jan 31, 2011 19:29

I keep forgetting stuffs and even to the extent of leaving my hp in the store last night. I don't understand why is it so easy for me to forget about stuffs that happened less than a minute ago.

How is it so easy for one to just ignore and take it as if nothing really existed? How is it so possible?

CPF was talked about at work yesterday. I think our "ah gong" is doing the right thing in preparing us for our retirement and it's only rightful that we return back the money to our parents because they used their CPF to pay for our education, their hard earned money to see us through. But what have some of these "filial" children of them have done? They just pushed them out of their lives.

"I think cpf is bullshit lo. It's like once you're dead, the money goes right back to them."

"Yaaa but what about those whose children have abandoned them? Where will their money come from when they've used up their CPF on their children but they don't pay them back?"

"Ayee, no fret. It's not the majority, its only a minority!"

"Yaaaaaaaa but they're all part of the society!"

& then, he laughed.

I don't think it's a laughing matter. It kinda hurts for those whose CPF are exhausted yet their children doesn't pay them back. I think I should save up for myself just in case my children abandons me in future. Yeah. Everyone should do the same. Just in case.

And its not just those that I've used from my dad's CPF. I'm paying back everything. Every single cent. I'm still working on that driving licence. It will take a lifetime to clear everything right from the day I'm born, but I'll still do it. A better, relaxed life for them is what I can offer, but first... I need to work on my own determination to get me by.

Hmmm.. Minority, you say?

Just because you're of the upper class doesn't give you that added advantage to be treated fairly better. But that's how everything in life works. People crowd around to the better and the rest is history.

Is it so very wrong to be deserved or treated better? Is it even more so to care?

All of these are nothing but a mere foolish act that you've done out of your own free will. It's hard to believe in this phrase called "when you give something, you won't expect it to come back to you."

I guess I am not a true giver and receiver.

I was told that I don't deserve anything. Yeah, hell yeah.

Because after and above everything else, I ask myself one simple question;

Who the fuck really cares?

people, conversations, cranky wanky, me, sigh, my first, appreciation, life, work, via ljapp

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