LJ Talk anyone? And...LIVING COLOR!

Mar 29, 2007 17:00

Hi, I'm on it. If any of you want to talk to me, besides Raakone on AIM, raakone@hotmail.com on MSN, and rdctwist on Yahoo, there's LJ talk now. I'm on it, and it works with LJ identities. There's several clients that work, but me, I use "Gizmo Project for LJ Talk." Be foreworned with that one, you have to explicitly chose to "IM" someone, by default it will try to phone, like Skype, but unlike everything else. So I'm Raakone on that one.

This is my first attempt at color. Go to http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51982039/ if you want to see the original page it's on. If you have a Deviant Art account, you can comment on it as well. If not, comment here.

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