Alright. I decided that I don't want to be an Electrical Engineer anymore. So I decided to change my major to Computer Science. Also, I don't want to be in Bradley University anymore. I want to go to Western Illinois University, where it will take me less time to graduate and I won't have to pay as much tuition. I think it's a good idea. Though I applied and I don't know if i will get in and I am like really nervous coz of that. I have to wait until like Friday to find out. This waiting is killing me.
Oh and also, I have a great boyfriend now. His name is Will Green. He is really cute, silly, sweet, intelligent, funny, and everything great guy. And I am in love with him and he is with me. :-) Want to see what he looks like?
Yup. That's him!!! He is doing pre-med right now at Western too. He is 9 months younger than me though, that's the only negative part. Lol! Let's see how this relationship works.
Since I used my phone too much, my dad is taking away my phone. >.< Not even fair. Coz my sister did that last month, and my dad didn't do anything. But in my case, he is taking away my phone. I need to start working so that I can get my own plan.
Talking about work, I start training on Sunday at Abecrombe & Fitch. Yeah, I know. I don't suit that type of place. But I don't care as long as I get money from there. Yup yup!! Oh Willy and Aletheia are going to work there too. Yippee!
Anyway... that's it for tonight. Goodnight.