Oct 10, 2007 22:34
Today was a very extremely terlalu penat day. It didnt help that I was feeling all giddy and was about to throw up, and the one hour break was spent on FaceBook and um, Friendster war. Let's not go into that but I finally feel like writing something publicly, atleast nothing too personal. Bah. GM came over yesterday til 1130pm to do Henna/Inai at my place and my mother being the ever-tangan-gatal cannot see people do inai in peace will always sebok2 and come over and make sure we're doing it right. Yalah got cert lah, but I no cert also can do mah (: I'll do on my hand pretty soon, not now.
Oh yeah Eid / Raya is coming up in ... 3 days???! Geezzzzzz. I still cant find my shoes, bag settled, baju um, yeah, makeup, haiyah stupid Yahoo Auctions sellers send me so long, or maybe I havent been opening up my mailbox. Kwakwakwa and the polos from the spree arrived and -.-" the box came in at 22KG??! Kena bloody GST, lucky I ask him to lower down the price from 2000+ to 300+, bedek giler seh. And I'm gonna sell away the polos I got for him, anybody interested? Men size S Ralph Lauren. Later kay cos I havent even check the stocks. WORK PENATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :((((((
And terima kasih / thank you for your kindest comments and encouragements and whoever that tried to make my day better every day, directly or indirectly. InsyaAllah I will face the coming days with more patience and I will try to smile more (: And that's sincere k! See raodah feels slightly better, though its still feel like crap. But depression leads to lesser eating, and I havent been eating much (except for yest's iftar with GM where I indulged in Mee Soup and Bubble tea = SAKIT HARI NI ) . See, body's trying to make me lose weight.
And today's 10.10 ! Samir! Lagi 3 tahun kay?? :))))
amek kau.