Oct 03, 2007 19:34
I feel like burying myself under my pillow all day and never ever have to face the world or the people in this world
I really dont want to wake up and face this anymore.
I think my eyes will start to get puffy very very very soon. It's been filled with fluid since I ended work. And it doesnt show any signs of drying up.
This suck suck suck. Yes or No? Simple question but full of endless doubts.
If you see me staring into blank space, snap at me.
If you see me start to keep to myself, shout at me.
If you see me starting to endlessly checking on my phone, take my phone away.
Just distract me as much as possible.
I'm just gonna go to bed early and hopefully, I dont become like Kassim Selamat the next day.
Dont dont dont ask me how I am or what happened.Unless you want me to start sobbing endlessly.