Sep 19, 2007 14:56
Look! Its only 3pm on a Wednesday and I'm home :) : ) :) while I bet most of my friends are still at their companies/labs doing their SIP HEHEHE :D Jangan marah, today not even official half day but we left the lab at 115?
All we had to do was analyse the WIRE and vector plasmids cos yesterday's results were not right since it was the first time using the upright microscope, and honestly, I hate hate hate yeasts cells in 3D form! They're full of holes! If the concentration of cells were low, um, okay fine but when they're seriously concentrated, like close to each other and their vesicles (HOLES) are next to one another, hais, all hairs stand/stood/will stand up. I can feel it at the back of my neck! Doesnt help the fact that I glanced abit at the email about the hole-y breasts. URGH I thought that was like 5 years ago?!! And its still circulating??!! Stop it people!! Oh and then we amplified the 6 mutant strains of yeasts into E.coli for transformation this friday. Uh Fridayyyy.
Sigh so yeah, tomorrow will just be mini-prep (DNA extraction) from E.coli, restriction digestions etc etc. And it will be all by ourselves! Oh, and my Project Officer changed her name -.-" So weird to call by her new name leh. Can you imagine one day I'll just blog and say, okay people my name's not Raodah anymore, call me Putri.
Nah, I still like rao rao better. More memories.
And um, I sound happy in my entries eh? But actually I'm not. With everythinggggggggggggg. Urgh bulan Ramadhan banyak bersabar. Sabar sabar sabar.