019: Have the worst Christmas ever.

Dec 25, 2010 10:22

[ Raz knew it was a trap, it had to be a trap, but when his door opened onto a familiar scene- his family's circus caravan- he forgot everything he had learned about surviving in Mayfield and ran through, eager to find everyone and tell them he was okay.

His parents and his brothers and sisters were gathered together and exchanging presents. They were having Christmas, too? Did that mean time was passing back home while he was stuck in Mayfield? He really had been gone for over a year? He would have a lot of explaining to do. Better get started.

It took him a few minutes of waving his arms and yelling loudly to realize that no matter what he did, they couldn't see or hear him. He'd had a dream like this once, when he- wait, of course! Suddenly he remembered thinking that this was a trap. Of course it was. It was just a dream. Stupid Mayfield. Sadly, he turned to retreat back to his bedroom, but stopped one more time to get a good look at his family. It might be a while before he sees them again.

His youngest sister brought him up. She wondered where Raz went. It was an innocent enough question, but his father reacted as if she had said something incredibly rude. Don't mention that name! Do you hear me? Raz was taken aback as his family started talking about him, but not in the way he expected. They were so glad Raz was gone. He never pulled his weight around the circus, he was always off reading comic books or pretending he could levitate things with his mind! Didn't he know psychics cursed their family? Psychics were the worst! The words stung, even though Raz tried to convince himself it was just a dream.

And that was when someone kicked the caravan door in.

A sinister looking man entered, carrying a... BB Gun? Raz's mother screamed. He shot her first. One by one, the stranger gunned his entire family down, then turned and left as swiftly as he came. It was surreal. Raz pinched himself, but didn't wake up. It wasn't a dream? No, it had to be! Stupid Mayfield. Stupid, stupid Mayfield. Stupid him for standing there and watching his whole family get killed. He ran back through the stupid door, slammed it, grabbed the stupid key and chucked it out the stupid window and the next time he opened the stupid door it was led back to the stupid house he lived at in stupid Mayfield.]


[Later, Raz can be found sitting on the front step of his house. His goggles have been tossed to the side. He's rubbing his eyes and making rather suspicious hiccuping sounds.]

ffffffuuuuuu, not cool, the goggles do nothing

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