My lovely otherwise-intelligent wife has a big thing for certain of the recent evil tidal wave of books in the vastly-profitable genre known as Young Adult. No, she was not stupid enough to fall for the Twilight "saga", but she did exhibit an unhealthy fascination with the Harry Potter books/movies.
Now her obsessive focus has landed firmly on the Hunger Games books. And just as she did with Harry Potter, she is insisting that I read the first book before we see the movie. Normally I would distract her with Game of Thrones, but the Hunger Games movie is coming out before season 2 of Game of Thrones, so I'm kind of stuck.
All I want to know is what I'm letting myself in for if I accede to her strident demands.
Is there anyone reading this who both (a) has read the first Hunger Games book, and (b) believes themselves to be, unlike my wife, capable of being objective and rational about it, as opposed to so obsessed and swoony as to go immediately on an all-hands-on-deck offensive at the slightest criticism? If so, does
this review of the movie ring true when applied to the book instead?
I repeat: despite the fact that this is a movie review, I am asking if you think the points made apply to the book.
Not sure why I'm doing this, as I'll surely be browbeaten into reading the book regardless, just as I was browbeaten into reading the first 3 Harry Potter books before I finally put my foot down. And, yes, if it turns out that I enjoy the Hunger Games book(s), I will come back later and admit that.