May 06, 2014 20:15
There are times in every band where certain songs define things, this one does this for Fockewolf. This was the first one written for the cd and it marked a bit of change in programming on my part and set the tone for the cd. This is due to getting a Nord Lead1 and a Quasimidi Ravoultion 309. Both pieces of gear are light years ahead of what I was using. Looking back, why I bothered with some of the Rompler technology in baffling, well its what was out and what I could afford. The song is driving and dark but not fully EBM but takes some influence, especially in the baseline. This song builds around a bunch of filter sweeps, there is a bit of texture on parts, where the lead changes from the Nord to the Emax. Even the busy drums work ok. Structurally the song builds with three parts then a long middle part then this all repeats. Orginally I was going to sing on this but Severina came up with better melodies. Wade mixed this and it is professional but I think it could have pushed into a harder realm or a bit fuller. I will take some responsibility for this, I could have done the patch design a bit better. I think I achieved what i wanted to with this, which was a dark wave song.