May 11, 2010 16:45
Backandtotheleft-False alarm: This started out as a simple sequence on the virus, a neat chord progression that moved along. I can't tell you who programmed what in this one, as we all had our hands in it. Anytime someone would write something someone else would change it a bit and so on. It really was a team effort. I think most of the synths I had at the time are on it, Virus B, Waldorf Q, Waldorf Microwave and others. Sometimes I think we could have added more but I think that would make it too busy and if we deleted anything it would fall apart. Its a perfect balance that make a great structure for Darrens vocals.
Darren does something on this song that I wish other vocalist would do, vary the phrasing. He does it several times during this track. He wouldn't be able to do that if the music was more complex. It really gives depth to a simple song and shows a great singer from an average one. I like that the lyrics are dark but the song is happy.
Tom handled the production on this on so its top notch. I know he would keep alot of our sounds and supplement them. The patch that the Q is doing, I am not sure if he changed it or put some heavy FX on it, but whatever he did its sounds neat.
I have a confession, at first this was one of my least favorite tracks on the cd. It came out a bit light and 80's sounding, but as we played this one live a few times it really grew on me. It is a fun electro track and that is what we where about. We never said we wanted to be the most shocking or extreme or the darkest ect, we were three friends having fun writing music.