For those who are interested in the topic of polygonal masonry. The book “Peruvian polygonal masonry: how, who, when and what for” (R. V. Lapshin, 114 pp., Litres, Moscow, 2024) has been published. The book is freely available at
Litres (to download, a simple registration is only required).
The monograph covers the problem of reproduction of the most complicated for implementation type of a polygonal masonry existing in Peru using simplest means. This masonry type consists of large stone blocks weighing from several hundred kilograms to several tons fitted close to each other almost without a gap between complicated curved surfaces over a large area. The proposed methods are based on the use of a reduced clay model, 3D-pantograph, topography translator and replicas. The use of the topography translator, reduced clay model and pantograph provides not only the unique appearance, high mating accuracy, and high quality of the masonry of large blocks, but also allows to increase productivity of builders significantly. The latter is extremely important, given the large volumes of the megalithic construction in Peru.
As mechanisms for coping-scaling three-dimensional objects are known in Europe since the beginning of the 18th century, a part of the polygonal structures under analysis should be approximately dated by this time. Thus, the authorship of the polygonal masonry having a perfect fitting of large stone blocks belongs to the builders who arrived from Europe following settlers. The remaining simpler types of the polygonal masonry, when the stones are small or the fitting surfaces are almost flat, or the stones contact each other over a small area, or there are significant gaps between the stones, are quite consistent with the well-known methods of stone processing at that or earlier time and, therefore, they are not considered in this study.
The Fortress Sacsayhuaman has been identified as a survived to our time example of early star fortresses. The polygonal structures in Peru, the polygonal Face Towers and polygonal bas-reliefs in Cambodia, the symmetrical and geometrically similar statues of pharaohs in Egypt are based on the alike construction technologies, working methods, tools and technical contrivances. Therefore, with a high degree of confidence, one can state that all these monuments were created by people belonging to the same European group (guild) of architects, sculptors, builders and could not have appeared earlier than the 17th century - the invention time of the 2D-pantograph.
Besides the technical and technological aspects of the polygonal construction, the book provides explanation of the Peruvian economy base of the time of the large-scale megalithic construction prosperity on its territory as well as the purpose of this construction.
Since the 3D-pantograph allows to create three-dimensional objects with a high degree of mirror symmetry, the book evaluates the symmetry of the Queen Nefertiti bust and analyzes the process of its fabrication. In the course of the conducted research, facts were found that prove for certain that the world-famous bust is forgery. At the end of the book, an idea is expressed explaining the functional purpose of the “mysterious” Sabu disk, which has been exciting the minds of Egyptologists around the world for decades.
The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the topic of polygonal masonry. A general engineering education is necessary to understand some issues. The book will be useful to mechanical engineering and civil engineering students seeking to expand their horizons.
Rostislav Vladimirovich Lapshin, Ph. D.
Kurchatov Institute
1 Academician Kurchatov Sq., Moscow 123182, Russia
R. V. Lapshin, “Peruvian polygonal masonry: how, who, when and what for”, 114 pp., Litres, Moscow, 2024.
Words 49 thous., chars. with spaces 292 thous., figs. 19, photos. 62, ills. 2, refs. 132.
This book in Russian: Р. В. Лапшин, “Перуанская полигональная кладка: как, кто, когда и зачем”, 121 стр., Литрес, Москва, 2024.
Key words: stone block, polygonal masonry, clay model, pantograph, topography translator, parallelogram mechanism, replica, chisel, hammer, rockbar, megalith, star fortress, Inca, Cusco, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, Peru, polygonal bas-relief, polygonal Face Towers, Angkor, Cambodia, symmetrical statue, pharaoh statue, Ramses, Nefertiti, Sabu disk, Egypt