Aug 13, 2004 01:51
so i need a wee bit of help...i need a new icon for my new journal. and i can never get the damn things small enough!! so if someone would be so kind as to help me with that, i could just sent it to you and you make it a bit smaller...AND i dunno how to make it say friends only like all the cool kids. haha. probably because im stupid!! is all you have to do is just SAY its friends only, put a pic up, and tell em to comment if they wanna be added? cuz i can do that...but i looked on the FAQ and all i got from it was the security level (and i already knew that) and something about minor security posting or something like that? i dunno. i forgot lol. so just plz answer my Q's. kthnxbye ^_^
<333 colie.