Jul 31, 2004 13:45
...i laugh more than i cry, you piss me off, goodbye!...
so my parents went to their friend's house for their son's first birthday and i decided not join ^_^ but i have to go to my dad's worker/friend's bar-b-q thing and i dont want to =/ man, last nite i hardly got any sleep! it sucked. my stomache hurt sooo bad!! i tried to just fall asleep on the couch but i couldnt so rite before 5 am, i went in my bed and tried to sleep but my tummy hurt so bad so i heard my parents at 7 so i got up and watched tv. i couldnt even eat, i had a glass of water. and then when it stopped, i had a cookie. lol. then my mom got me a sobe rush energy drink thingy (they were out of red bull >.< i hate winn dixie!) and thats all ive had all day and im still not hungry! heh...i watched the banger sisters today. i love that movie a lot! lol. Goldie is just awesome...but i hate her daughter >.< wellllll.....goodbye!
...im a bad ass girl in this messed up world. im a sexy girl in this crazy world. im a simple girl in a complex world. a nasty girl, you wanna get with me? you wanna mess with me?!...