Don't forget to vote on the most recent application,
here! Also, these applications are still needing some votes ladies...
app herefrozhazel's
app here stephywilecat should be approved already since she was a member before and everyone loves her... there's also
an app from May that everyone pretty much gave up on so I'm switching the tags to rejected... everyone pretty much had the same feeling on that one...
Also, to all our new friends... assuming y'all read the community info, it's surprising to see
_pinkandblack_ madayade realgoneretro pinkkoi anchipunchi jittrbugg dye_pretty treealmighty whiskeyskip dltracy66 domegirl1978 cuteyoucutecute daydreamawake froghazel have been added to the community since November, and only
madayade and
froghazel have posted their applications! Hmm...
Hope everyone's 2009 is off to a good start... My whole department/floor has their TVs set to the inauguration shows so I've got news commentators and Obama in stereo right now... It's been maddness here between work and preparing for Grad school... my next planned shoot will be when I finish turning my schwinn into a lowrider style cruiser, so that will be fun! I'll post pics as soon as possible.