Nov 08, 2006 10:32
Looks like the Democrats got a hold of the house and the senate probably. Thank god America isn't completely retarded. Despite the fact that 65% of Americans were worried about the Iraq situation and 31% percent of those approve of how things are going with Bush, I am surprised the Republicans retained a close race with the Democrats at all. Do they really want that kind of represntative party deciding on the fate of laws that are submitted? I mean the people that totally ignored any wrong doing on their part and passed laws adventageous to the party? Its like: "Hello, I represent a party who recently has embarassed this nation by placing their faith in a person who has been known to keep in contact with and more than likely masturbate to conversations over instant messanger with 15-16 year old pages. When caught instead of admitting he was a sick bastard he blames his homosexuality on alcohol and goes into rehabilitation. 'Oh, i'm gay and a drunk. BAD BAD NEWS!' "
In short a small step toward leveling off this country is at hand. Now all we need is a strong competent leader capable of handing things in Iraq. IE: Someone not using miltary spending to get contracts with Haliburton to rebuilding Iraqi hometowns that the texpayers money helped destroy. Meanwhile, most of the Army Corps of Engineers being dispatched to help with the rebuilding of Iraq are left with menial dangerous work of random patrols of zones known to have insurgent activity. I don't care if this leader is Democrat or Republican, just so long as they appear like they could recite the alphabet without stuttering and that they have the proper checks in place to control the amount of power they have. Having one party's side controlling all the checks normally reserved for balance of power can really fuck up a country. IE: Right now in America.
Aside from that nothing much else going on in my life. Just got work down to an art, and am patiently awaiting the day when I can walk away from all my debts once and for all. That day has been pushed back to March however as some unforseen circumstances may prevent me from applying the full amount of every check toward the debts I currently owe. For example: I put 3000 miles on my car in a 1.5 month span. With that kind of mileage piling onto my car, I doubt very seriously that it will last very long given the amount of time I will need to continue using it. I would expect it to fully last until about the 150,000 mile mark if I take good care of it. I should have to look to get a new car sometime next year around the month of May or June. It may not be what I want (Prius) but it will have to do as a replacement car until I can save enough money to be able to afford the Prius. They say on any loan be it house of vehicular in nature, it is an act of good faith on your part to pay 20% of the loan amount down so you can show that you are serious about getting one. It might also help the interest rate you get when you apply for said loan. I am pretty sure I will end up getting a Chevy Cobalt or something along those lines until I can afford to pay for the 26,000 Prius. Afterwards I can do what is known as a piggyback loan. I can use the Chevy Cobalt as collateral to get an extra boost for a down payment on the Prius. In addition to the amount of money I would have saved by then to get the Prius, I would have that little bit of extra money to go toward the down payment on the Prius itself when I am ready to get it. Then I could do one of two things when I have the Prius, I could sell the Chevy Cobalt for the amount of the money that I got the Piggy Back loan for and pay it off. Or I could continue to pay on both loans and build my credit like a mad bitch. But more than likely in the interest of ease of payment I would more than likely sell the Chevy Cobalt. Or when getting the Prius I could use the Chevy Cobalt as a trade in to further knock off the amount of money that I would have to pay toward the Prius. This more than likely would be sometime next year after the summer has ended and fall is ready to come back again. I will get the Chevy Cobalt whenever the Neon I have fails. (fully expect failure within 5 months or so)
Welp, I broke down and bought Guitar Hero II tonight at Wal-Mart in Lexington. My initial thoughts were awesome!
The Below was edited due to an affront to the rock gods. Please forgive any nay-saying I had about GH II. If you read it and were offended by my pre-mature evaluation I apologise. I got home and played it on my regular TV and the rest of the tracklist blew my mind. I guess things don't reach ya when you are in an office with a 13 inch mono TV with horrid sound.
Edit 2: BTW this is in no way influenced by any comments left on my LJ. In fact at the time of this typing I haven't read any of them. Actually I am surprised I got comments on my LJ usually no one pays me any mind.