I have several questions I'd like to ask the PL people out there (and really, anyone else who feels like giving their own answers, as I'm mostly soliciting opinions, scenarios and what-ifs rather than "facts"). I am posting them here because I would like to see some degree of lively debate. Anyway, here goes:
- Given how much the "standard programming languages we use" have changed over the years, and that many of the industry standard scripting languages today were based on research languages like Self, Smalltalk, Lisp, etc., what present-day research languages and features of present-day research languages do you see inspiring the industry-standard languages of tomorrow?
- Of the standard "functional favorites" (Haskell, SML, OCaml), which do you see used the most often for industrial CS applications? (I mean, come on, I know there is a small minority of people who do this) Which would you like to see used for industrial CS applications and why? Are some better suited and/or more widely used for web / mobile / other application domain?
- JCreed once had a post about the things he'd learned in programming that seemed silly at first and later turned out to be of fundamental importance. The list begin with things like "commenting your code" and "strong type systems" and ended with pieces of mathematical logic I'd never heard of and didn't understand. Of the things PL people deal with that I don't yet know or understand, which do you think are the most important/fundamental/general/practical? i.e., if I had a choice, which should I learn first?
P.S. This was all inspired by learning JavaScript...
...I shit you not.