If i just made up for not writing!!!

May 03, 2006 23:43

Soooooo!!!! I guess theres so much too write and yet what should I write. This causes some issues, because I could say just about anything. If i write something and then no one reads it, maybe it would just be a darn waist of time. What else is there to do though, im here in Cincinatti its 12 and we arent going skating tonight. I got side tracked for a minute watchin A midwest video! Okay so I'm doing well could be a just a little better if filming tricks and skating was going better here, after all i came here to film skate and get some tricks for my upcoming video Right State of Mind. I still havea little more time here in cinci and i think we are going on road trips to chicago and then atl. Hopefully those trips will be fun and successful as far as getting tricks goes. I have been working at 9star skateboard shop and thats going well. Not going to school at the moment and i dont know if its the best decision, but at the moment i feel it's right for me. I will have to wait and see where life takes me. As everyone knows life is full of surprises and you never know what you come across on your path of life. It's hard to know what is the right thing for someone to do. I plan on moving out of my moms house in june for at least a year and I hope that goes well. I will prolly move near olympic and sepulveda or pretty close by there. I could definately hum got side tracked again. O yeah i was gonna say i needa figure out about getting a car, which i couldnt afford if i didn't live at home but again its okay ill figure all this stuff out. Life is full of obstacles and figuring stuff out. Im into filming, skating, editing, and it would be great to incorporate all those things into my life for a career. I think i will be working for a new skateboard company called Addikt skateboards, putting together a team and getting a video in the works will be line of work for them. I think I would like to get sponsored by a shoe company, that would be great. Now i will be getting free boards from addikt which makes me happy and in the end i hope the company gets big. Wow i have a lot of hopes hahahha. Imma just live the best i can for as long as i can enjoying life for what it puts in my path. I plan on getting just a couple more tat's although thats a maybe even if I do want them. When i get back home i plan on getting on top of my video and putting together the addikt team. We should all love the lifes we live as we never know when they may come to a sudden end even as drastic as it may sound its the truth. I dont have a girlfriend, I dont know if I will for a long time and I would say i'm okay with that. I dont know what else i want to jot down on this blog entry. How amazing is music, it can just make you so happy and be happy is a good feeling. Stressing over stupid things sucks so much. My best friend is Osmaan Shamsiddeen, he is just a great character to have around in your life. Life without Osmaan just wouldn't be as sweet. I think i will just be making it by once i move out. Money is a neccesity in life, only because you need money to live. Okay well i think thats a lot for right now! O Yeah for some reason it sucks i cant get over Grace my only girlfriend, I really liked her and we havent been together for the longest but for some reason she stays on my mind, o well (sucks for me) She is GReat. PEeeeeze.

Whoever reads this, Thanks for taking the time and Take Care.
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