Fanfic Appreciation #1

Mar 07, 2005 22:11

I've just discovered that it is Fanfic Author Appreciation week! So, even though I am so tired I can hardly see straight, I'm gonna start my appreciation with the author who pulled me into this wonderful wacky world of QAF to begin with! ;) That person would be (drum roll) Severina2001! Her fics are all out of this world, folks. Though she likes to consider herself a full-on schmoop queen, I know that there is an angst lover lurking just under the surface. In fact, I've seen it in action ;) Some of my favorite fics by Severina? Well, I love her unfinished Quoin fic (hint hint, Severina--time to finish it!) and her long fic where Brian and Justin take a trip to Spain. Ugh, I'm so embarrassed that I can't remember the exact title right now. But like I said, I'm two steps from brain dead at the moment. She does great B/J sex scenes, too. I envy her ability!
Anyway, I bow down in reverence to her work.
Thanks for all your great fic, Vicki! Looking forward to much, much more.
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