Dec 19, 2006 10:42
So I've been locked out of here for a couple months. And it didn't really bother me at all. I've been writing in little notepads and keeping lots of little notes. But they all got puked on by Ryan's cat.
I'm back.
My last final of the first term is today. First year English classes aren't anything to get worked up about. My only concern is that I may not physically be able to record all that I'm instructed to in the allotted time. It looks like lot's o' writin'.
And it will be over very shortly and although I'll likely have a soar wrist, it won't be from writing fuck that, of course it will just be from all of the masturbating I do on the page. Its like- a daily thing.
I'm going to study just a li'l bit more though, just in case. .
Stuff seems to be catching up to me. I'm always trying to twist-turn that up-side down. I'm pining for the symbolism of turning that page, and the ftw's, etc.