Rob Morrow with
The Creative Coalition in Israel, November, 15th, 2011.
Facebook: "Just had an amazing meeting w/Palestinian authority prime minister Salam Fayyad in Ramallah West Bank. Seeing and learning so much. This is turning out to be an extraordinary trip of a life time."
Facebook: "Met w/Ron Dermer a senior aid and dir of communications for Benjamin Netanyahu at Knesset. Prime minister was supposed to meet w/us, but is in mourning for his father in law. Ron was hugely informative. The more I learn and see the more I am overwhelmed. Below is pix w/Ron and Richard Kind at Knesset."
@TheStevenWeber: Me and Rob Morrow, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister's Office.
twitpic @TichinaArnold: Some of us over looking the city of Jerusalem.
lockerz. Richard Kind, Rob Morrow, Tichina Arnold among others.
lockerz. Richard Kind, Rob Morrow, Tichina Arnold and Patricia Arquette.