fandom_muses: Autumn day

Sep 28, 2008 23:16

Prompt: Autumn day.

Just in case, clarification: In the FM/TM 'verse, Remus is back (a year and a half after the events of the Deathly Hallows (but before the epilogue, obv)) and he's living with Sirius, Harry and Teddy in Grimmauld.

The air is cold and crisp as they walk along the park, but Remus doesn't mind it. He's very comfortable, actually, and judging by the smiles on Sirius' and Teddy's face he can tell that they feel the same way. The sun has started to set in the distance already, making the leaves look as if they're glowing, but they don't hurry along so they can get home before nightfall. If anything, Remus almost walks slower to enjoy the sunset. Teddy walks slower as well, but it has nothing to do with the sunset. He's busy discovering all the colours the leaves have been turning now that the seasons are changing. He's even busier picking up the leaves with the colours that he likes best.

Orange, yellow, red, darker red. From underneath the hat that Teddy is wearing, the locks of hair that are peeking out change with each leaf that he picks up and Remus can't help but chuckle under his breath.

"That dark red looks good on him, doesn't it?" Sirius asks with a smirk as he picks up the toddler and nudges the hat upwards slightly so he can take a better look at his hair. Teddy giggles when Sirius points out at the leaf that is the exact shade of red, and Sirius grins. "Very Gryffindor, lad. I like it."

"You know," Remus says as he steps closer to them, eyes twinkling and the corners of his lips tugging upwards very slightly, "we should be covering his hair in case a Muggle sees him, not exposing it."

Sirius just grins and sets Teddy down, who immediately runs to pick up a yellow-orange leaf that has just fallen from a tree. And, as soon as he does, his hair changes again and Remus' smile grows as he just stands there and watches his son. Whenever he does this, just watch him, he's still amazed at the fact that his baby son grew into the toddler that he is today in just a blink but he knows it's more complicated than that. The war was fought and won. There were losses. There's a reason why his son's mother is not alive. There's a reason why Remus himself had not been there, watching him grow.

As if catching the way that Remus' heart aches at the thought, Sirius moves in closer to him and wraps an arm around his waist while watching Teddy happily run along the leaves. For a moment they just stand there, silent, but it doesn't take Remus long to break that silence by murmuring quietly under his breath as he turns to Sirius. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Funny," Sirius says just as quietly, "I was just thinking how glad I am that you're here, too."

Remus smiles and wraps an arm around his shoulders, nuzzling his neck for a moment and just breathing him in. The air is cold and crisp, but he really doesn't mind it. Especially now.

"Daddy, look!" Teddy suddenly says, making both Remus and Sirius turn to look at him as he holds up leaf that is a mix of yellow and red. "G'ffindo!"

Both Sirius and Remus grin, and laugh when Teddy's hair changes colours to match the leaf. At any other moment Remus would be quick to lower Teddy's hat, make sure that it covered how his hair kept morphing so Muggles wouldn't be able to see, but for the moment he just grins. And he laughs. And he's happy, just how Sirius and Teddy seem to be.

It's perfect. He has always been fond of afternoons in Autumn.

teddy, au, sirius, fandom muses

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