ooc: Remus/Sirius reasonings and my take on the 'ship.

Feb 29, 2008 19:00

After being questioned about my 'ship after a friend of mine had asked me just why already, I decided to write this out. It's basically my reasonings behind being a supporter of Remus/Sirius. I'm also a supporter of Remus/Tonks, of course, but since that's canon I never get any WTF? expressions or questions ( Read more... )

ooc, *reference

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sayshisname March 1 2008, 03:57:01 UTC
You already know I feel. JK SUCKS at writing romantic relationships. They seem to be an after thought most of the time. Her focus isn't on romantic relationships because like you said, it's Harry's story. The focus is on what is going on with Harry and the obstacles he faces along the way. I personally felt Remus/Tonks was so random. I hissed when I saw Lily/Sev's background cause it just took so much away from the character of Severus to me and I wanted to smack her cause it was obviously done to try and make Sev seem more sympathetic, but really it didn't need to be done that way. I also knew that fangirls were going to make me want to strangle them by their take on OMG LILY EVANS NEVER LOVED JAMES POTTER SHE WAS ALL ABOUT SEVERUS. HEART HEART HEART SEVERUS IS THE ROMANTIC HERO AND JAMES WAS A HORRIBLE PERSON. Cause ya know case in point, one was a prat as a teenager but grew up to be a good husband and father, and the other got her and James killed. But yes, let's completely white wash their history cause we want to shag Severus ( ... )


likeaparfet March 1 2008, 04:26:34 UTC
You know, I actually liked the bith with ten-year old Lily and Severus. >_>


sayshisname March 1 2008, 04:33:08 UTC
They were cute as kids. My problem with the setting was as they got older and blah I just saw where it was going to go with fandom. Cause you know, James Potter is totally the villain in that triangle, not the guy who got them killed. I pegged it on the head too cause woo boy are their a ton of Lily/Sev shippers now, but it's not even that they are trying to write Lily, if that makes sense. It's more like oh hey redhead avatar so I can try and be with Sev cause ALWAYS, GOT IT, ALWAYS. Hehehe I'm a bit passionate about this. I blame the fact I write The Boy Who Lived to see his parents happily together in that mirror.


likeaparfet March 1 2008, 04:36:57 UTC
I don't think so much about shipping. But that scene just killed me with the kyooot! I can't help it.

DH just made me realize that JK is a fantastic storyteller but not a very good writer.

Everything else just got thrown in at random.


pinkhairedauror March 1 2008, 06:35:02 UTC
JK is a fantastic storyteller but not a very good writer.

Word, word, WORD!!!!


r_moony March 1 2008, 07:21:55 UTC
For me it's weird, in HBP I can actually see how Remus/Tonks get together, and I even squeed when I saw that they were holding hands in the end of the book. But then DH comes out and bam they're married and pregnant already? That part I just didn't get and it felt like an afterthought. And oi, yeah as it was pointed out JK should stick with stories and leave the romantic relationships to someone else because the only ones that really made sense in the end that she ended up putting together were Ginny/Harry and Ron/Hermione.

killmeinstead and the_iscariot were actually the ones that convinced me that Lily and Sev were worth reading, because I agree completely that the way JKR handled it was just...so bad. And she totally left it open for the fangirls to go head over heels over Sev/Lily and leave James in the dust, which is totally unfair. Yes we saw an immature James Potter in Sev's memories, but teenage boys aren't known for being mature, are they? And he obviously must have grown/matured with the war going on, so...oi ( ... )


drghouse_md March 14 2008, 10:38:48 UTC
Just butting in to say that I found DH to be extremely disappointing. I often refer to it as Harry Potter and Hallows of Fail.

While there were some good bits to it... there were a great deal of unimpressive bits to it, too. Such as Remus & Tonks married already and pregnant. And the fact that Voldemort died in three sentences. And not only died in three sentences, but died by an expelliarmus spell. And the fact that Harry survived an AK for the second time. And the fact that Remus died and it was barely even mentioned. And the fact that Harry randomly decided to hate Sirius just because he was mean to Kreacher. And the way Snape's entire character justification was rammed into one chapter at the very end of the book. And... and... and... NEED I GO ON? Lol ( ... )


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