Aug 22, 2007 22:11
Hi there! I just realized I had yet to do this, so I'm writing this out before I forget again.
If you ever feel the need to get in touch with me and/or Remus, the screen names are:
AIM: stillmoony
To chat/RP/plot/anything. I'd add my Y!messenger, but I don't really use that anymore. I have a bad habit of sometimes forgetting to log on, but I've been trying to change that so I'll be logging on more often. ...while I'm not at work, at least (but even then, I can be reached through an email and I try to answer ASAP).
Oh yeah, and in case it's important, my time zone is Pacific Standard Time. *g* Dunno if that helps, but I'm adding it as a just in case.
Oh!! And those fics with the five situations that never happened? They ARE coming, just...slowly. I have ideas for all situations, though, (and I've done 4/5 of James') so expect to see those soon! ♥
mun notes,