RotM application: "Why Forgive and Forget, When You Can Remember and Blame?"

Aug 19, 2007 16:25

Forgive and forget is something that sounds simple enough, doesn't it? It would make life much simpler. We wouldn't need to carry with us insults that were said in the past, or memories that hurt us in ways that we may be ashamed to admit. If a mistake were to be made, then the slate could be cleared with forgiveness. It would be simple and easy.

I'm afraid I am not quite that forgiving.

I've yet to fully forgive Peter for betraying James and Lily, and for putting Sirius in Azkaban. I was seconds away from assisting Sirius in killing him, because I could not forgive him. He had taken away the only friends I had with his actions; I wanted him to suffer the same fate he had condemned my friends to. I also cannot forgive Fenrir Greyback for what he did, because his actions affected my life in terrible, horrible ways. I cannot simply forget insults that were said because I'm a werewolf. Those words, those looks that accompany those words, that disgust and prejudice that others find so easy to give... They're not easy to ignore. They're not easy to simply leave behind, because soon enough they start clinging to you. They start affecting how you see yourself, and in some occasions you may even begin to believe they're true.

But, while I may not simply forgive and forget, I cannot start blaming and hating everyone because my life hasn't been easy. Peter betrayed us, but for seven years he was one of my best friends. And Fenrir did hurt me, and made me into the werewolf I become every month, but it also strengthened my friendship with James, Sirius, and Peter. They were there unconditionally through everything, and I was able to learn what it meant to truly have friends. How can I blame Fenrir for that? Looking at things that way, I ought to thank him.

And the insults, and everything else from the rest... While those things are hurtful, I cannot focus on them because my life is difficult enough as it is with my transformations: Why make it more difficult with hate towards others? Prejudice is not a good thing, and not something a person should be used to, but if I let it take over me then I would grow to be like Fenrir. He would have won, and while he may have hurt me once, I refuse to let him take over my life in that way.

Remus Lupin
Harry Potter
Word Count: 425

rotm prompt, marauders, rotm, fenrir greyback

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