If you think this is to you... it probably is. If not... don't bother reading.

May 23, 2005 18:12

So let's talk. Actually, I'll talk. You listen.

So you're mad at me eh? I've changed a lot? I haven't had time for you because I'm too busy with other people? I flaked on you? I'm just not the same girl I used to be and you're wondering what the hell happened? People are influencing me too much and it's getting pretty annoying?

Stop for a second. Open your pretty eyes and take a fucking look around.

Can I ask you a question? You think you could talk to me instead of all our friends? Would it kill you to be like "Hey Mikki, something's different about you, what the hell is going on?" You could even be like "MIKKI SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY" ... Anything would be better than what you're doing. Is it that difficult? Too much of a fucking challenge? I'm disgusted.

Why were we friends in the first place?

You think I've changed because of people? You think I dont have my priorites straight? ... Do you realize what I've gone through lately? Do you think that maybe.. for some strange reason.. all the shit thats been going on has affected me? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT"S BEEN GOING ON? Do you think that maybe I've been hanging out with other people more often is because they are the ones that are there for me.. the ones that are trying to help.. the ones that didn't turn their back right away and stop talking to me, but instead bothered to ask what the fuck was going on?

I will admit. I've been a bitch. And.. I'm sorry. Sincerely. I hope you can forgive me, and I hope I can make it up to you.

I just need you to dig a little deeper.. look at the whole picture instead of just the part you want to see. So now either take it.. think about it... or just stop talking to me altogether. I can't deal with this anymore.


:.who needs enemies when you have friends like these?.:
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