This will not stand.

Mar 02, 2009 14:55


Listen here you dimwits. I don’t know what passes for fandom where you come from, but this isn’t some retarded anime drivel or gaylord vampire bullshit for feeble teenage imbeciles. This is god damn Watchmen. This means something. It is a from a culture of fans older and more profound then anything you contemptible schnooks could ever hope to plumb the depths of. There is a mighty pillar, an obelisk older than time that stands in the center of my world holding up the vault of the sky, and carved into the base, right next to the words “Jack Kirby is King” are the fucking words “Alan Moore” and  “Watchmen”.  I’d sooner pour acid on my nethers while chowing down on a bowl of Frosted-Tin-Foil-Flakes then see it reduced to the level of whatever stunted rubbish for social defectives and mental pygmies normally elicits the use of the word “squee”. Learn some respect.
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