A brief detour to the mystical realm of long overdue explanations

Jun 22, 2009 12:33

Possibly some have wondered why finishing this fic took so long.  For those who are uninterested, feel free to go elsewhere.  For those who are curious, read on.

Long story short: I suck.

Short story long: As you may have read (I posted it on both my fanfic.net profile and my LJ), my computer died a painful, fiery death.  Well, all right, there wasn't really fire.  But it was quite painful for me, since all of the fic I had already written for ff100 had been on that computer and not saved anywhere else, naturally - including the conclusion of the Cain Christmas fic.  I have to say that losing all of that kind of killed my desire to write for a long time, and even after it came back it was directed to other fandoms than Cain.  And when I wanted to write Cain stuff, it did not include the rewrite of the last chapter of the Christmas fic.  However, I felt it unfair to anyone who had read the previous two installments to post something else before I finished it.  So the fic languished for over a year, until I finally sucked it up and tried to finish it.  I don't know if anyone reading this has ever written a mystery before, but trying to finish one when you can't remember how you solved it the first time is, suffice to say, difficult.  I don't know how many times I re-read the previous two chapters, trying to make sure I had all of the threads picked out and tied neatly together.  Maybe I succeeded, maybe I didn't.  Hopefully people will let me know which.  But at least it's finally done.  All I can do is try not to take this long ever again, whether or not anyone is still reading it.

Fic conclusion to be posted shortly.

news, rl

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