Incoming, heads up its rant time!

Jul 22, 2008 16:29

The returne to eny form of littereture on the internet must be veiwed with much the same perspective as one would apply to an advancing kimodo dragon
The principal being that all be it mostly harmless it is a big bugger and can hav quite the venomouse nip if provoked.

Having gained somthing of a reputation for amusing and often irreverent and rather,,,unusual persdpectives in outher forums i hav decided to bring my somwhat high octain brand of madness back to live journal where it all began.
So take a sip of coffee, trust me i am on my third an raring to go so come join me as i heave off a whoppin great slice of life into the hourderves of your personal banquets for your pleasure and digestion.
or puttin it in outher words crack out the metophorical alchaseltzer these up coming posts may giv you spiritual cramps.


This may not be of eny great importance to eny but the select few, but it has been messing with my head ever since i saw it
Dr Who
what the hell was it with the gay hobbit porne ending (refference to the same bloomin fluffy wuffy cutsie rubbish they soured the end of the lord of the rings trilogy with)
the difference being after nearly a day and a half bum numbing watching of lord of the rings its semi forgivable the ending should be a tad gay hobbit porne,
mainly becauuse the watcher is too stunned to physicaly move out of the barf worthy ending before its too late)
hint when they get to the shire after the big ring has gone down the crack of doom
switch it off, you not missing much
unless you like gay hobbit porne

so back to mr tennent and russel T

Last seasons finale sound of drums,Wonderfull, exellent Tennent tastic
well apart from the whole lifted up on a ray of light thing that was a smidge ott,,,
well thats ok alsiter simm made a fantastic master with the life on mars refferences a bonus for eny scifi counissere allin all a brilliant and ell executed 2 parter.
and Captain Jack is again the wonderfull charechtor we all know and love and seemed to bye trying to win us over for all the torture he put us through with Torchwood... all in all a good job

filler episodes
on side note
what the hell is a filler episode they should al be on a par no fillers acceptable dr who is along standing franchise and deserves better, jeez its not like we dont pay enough for the licence,,,ny hoo seperate rant on that particular subject may be forth coming some day.

so back to the build up to this seasons finale

Ok i watched Turne left
nearly fell asleep but it was ok and set the scene
Time spider
rubbish it was blatently a deviles coach man,,, wake up bug people in the bbc,
i know spiders are arachnids so shurrup before you even start

so there i am hyped up for the 2 part season finale

already knowing it was davros,,,due to sertain peoples propencity for utilising spoilers where eny dedicated who fan will stumble over them
its my weekness i know but darn it i gotta click if its Who and like most i love and hate spoilers with an equal mesure
now a bit of thechnichal geekery on my part
though how davross survived that trial he had on radio i do not currenty understand,,,, no no no dont giv me the treck explenation one more wormhole or hybrid hyperspace theory and i will strangle my self with a string of my own skinned atoms

back to the finale
so there i am first part watched,,,
I enjoyed it it was actualy semi scarey for once and reminded me of a few of the episodes that hav been aired since russle t took over
some hav been genuinly been creepy ish, davros is actualy resonably charred and evil looking and the much used darlliks are on forme
The use of the daleck voice on the radio scanners a genuinly classick dr who moment
capn jacks overacting ham were all doomed speach was almost forgiven.

am to the point where i almost forgive russle t
almost for giv him the filler episodes and most of Torchwood and feel i will refrain from sneaking into his house and super gluing his fingers to the nearest darling darleck

part 2
ok since when was Davros that camp
and the spinning dalecks it was like bad carneval show i realy did expect an abba track to start up
exept i get entertained by carnevals. the loose ends wer flapping so wildley as to make the sub plots a parody of themselves
oh my god so no

dr who is not supposed to make me cry with laughter for all the wrong reasons the tardis towing the earth back was pretty much up ther with the top gear tartdis race parody,,exept this was in the show, as for the sudden apearences of 3 massive wepons of mass destruction ,,,well talk about from out of nowhere

thats ok its sci fi and enything no matter how ridiculouse i cite the last season of blakes 7 and its prisoner cell block h props and scenery as an example,,,

back to the 3 wepons of mass destruction,they seem to hav just left them lying around the universe for eny old bugger to pick up, ime sure captin jack will proberbly stumble over them in the new torch wood now the abominable micky is obviosly going to joine the even more abominable show ,,,there going to need somthing to keep jis awfull acting in check, he hasa lot of competition in that department and may not stand out as much as he thinks
at least captain jack knows he is a send up and a parody of the likes of ace rimmer
please let him an auton construct from sereise 1 please maybe he will just melt away.

Dr who has actualy impressed me the first sereise was punchy and eccleston suprised me but it was more of an action action follow on to the plott from the movie with the time war refferences
Captain Jack in dr who is a wonderfull charechtor and when he first put in an appearence i did not once think of ace rimmer
Tennent has the capasity to be one of the best doctors ever if they quit throing him messiahonic typ storey lines and the whole lifted up on lights lights behinde him floating up on a waves of hmanitys good will,,,lol and the smei darth vader typ speaches of timelordery that they put in for him
assistents biullie piper i hated, but grew on me and the outhers hav done well too,,,apart from micky,,,oh so noooo i can only hope he matures as a cherchtor

Torch wood
Brilliant concept
oh dear lord what happend

The first searies looked like it had been patched together on a flaming hangover at 3 in the morning during a power cut

the second actualy had some good episodes but was over all spoiled by the overly ham supporting charechtors and
They had to pull in james marsters to save the show ,,,more more
the last 3 episodes wer actualy in all fairness brilliant
Captian Jack is a fantastic charechtor i feel he is wasted in banal storey lines that range from a block of alien meat to
a cryogenicaly frozen soldgier who out acted the lot of them.
Dont get me wrong Torchwood has the potential to be brilliant the dead dude was a stroke of genius it has had its moments but i say make it more so
and what happend to the original mandate of torchwood as an anti doctor facility
again i know thers an explanation but its still pretty patchy
The point i make is this Torchwood could be solid gold i hope the bbc dont keep it as a minor cult sereise that would be ashame

like i said this is a rant

rant over,,,for now
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