Hullo, 2007....

Jan 01, 2007 00:40

I don't usually like New Year's, because it makes me sad to so finalize the conclusion of a year.  Though I know time's really rather arbitrary.

Still, this past year was one of the craziest I ever lived through.   I kept thinking I'd certainly wake up, and discover people weren't so strange/cruel/downright absurd as they seemed.  I lost a few "friends" -- though I guess I simply learned they weren't friends at all.   But I also started back to school, got back in the marching band, and have made a few more precious friends that I think I'll hold dear for a long time to come.

It wasn't a bad year.  But it was definitely a year in which I did a lot of learning.  And growing.  Though I'm far from being done in either suit, just a little more familiar with the uncertainity contained in both.

I'm excited about the new year.  It feels like I can, at least symbolically, dust off the few remnants of the past year and bid them "adieu" and move on.  I don't know if there's ever been a year from which I was so entirely happy to be separated; the good of the past lingers with me for the new year whereas the bad, more embarrassing moments I permitted myself to endure are a thing of the past.  This must be how it feels, to celebrate a fresh beginning.  I, somehow, never really felt it before.  Not like this, anyways.  Hmm.  Just another milestone.

I wish everyone out there a lovely New Year's.

New Year's Morning
- Helen Hunt Jackson

Only a night from old to new!
Only a night, and so much wrought!
The Old Year's heart all weary grew,
But said: "The New Year rest has brought
The Old Year's hopes its heart laid down,
As in a grave; but trusting, said:
"The blossoms of the New Year's crown
Bloom from the ashes of the dead."
The Old Year's heart was full of greed;
With selfishness it longed and ached,
And cried: "I have not half I need.
My thirst is bitter and unslaked.
But to the New Year's generous hand
All gifts in plenty shall return;
True love it shall understand;
By all my failures it shall learn.
I have been reckless; it shall be
Quiet and calm and pure of life.
I was a slave; it shall go free,
And find sweet pace where I leave strife."
Only a night from old to new!
Never a night such changes brought.
The Old Year had its work to do;
No New Year miracles are wrought.

Always a night from old to new!
Night and the healing balm of sleep!
Each morn is New Year's morn come true,
Morn of a festival to keep.
All nights are sacred nights to make
Confession and resolve and prayer;
All days are sacred days to wake
New gladness in the sunny air.
Only a night from old to new;
Only a sleep from night to morn.
The new is but the old come true;
Each sunrise sees a new year born.

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