Peace shattered

Feb 27, 2011 09:25

Friday night I actually made it over to temple for Shabbat services.  Due to various reasons, I haven't been in months.  When I do make it, I'm usually rewarded with a sense of calm and peace at the end of another crazy week.  This week, my peace was ruined.  Completely spoiled by some annoying brat that wouldn't quit talking through the entire service.  He and his chatty friend were sitting in the row directly behind me.  They were not there when I sat down.  In an attempt to get them to shut up, I turned around to glare at them a few times.  They appeared to be about 10 or 11 years old.  In my book, old enough to know better and old enough to sit quietly for 45 minutes.  I don't think that the two kids were related, but at least one set of parents were sitting in that row....doing nothing about the children's behavior.  In fact, I caught the parents whispering a few times.

I finally got so fed up with the incessant misbehavior of the brats (and the lack of parenting going on), that I turned around and snapped at them.  I did it as quietly and as politely as I was able to manage. I asked the brats that if they were going to continue talking through the whole service, would they please go upstairs? (Our sanctuary has a balcony...complete with a soundproof room).  After that they shut up.  Which only pissed me off more since it just proved that they were capable of being quiet in the first place!  It also made me wish I'd snapped sooner!

At the oneg (reception) after services, I had a few fellow congregants come up to me and comment about the incident.  One said she didn't think the kids were being that bad.  I said they weren't bad, just disrespectful.  And worse for me, since I was right in front of them.  Another thanked me for asking them to be quiet.  A third said one of the offenders was her daughter.  She apologized for them, but insisted that they aren't bad kids.  I accepted her apology, and told her that I'm sure they are not bad kids, but they need to know how to respect others.  At that point I'd had enough and went home.

I'm still really angry and annoyed at these kids and their parents.  It's not like this was a family service with lots of children everywhere.  And these children are old enough to have manners. 
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