simply horrible... or is it?

Jun 28, 2003 14:43

at last! a real entry after an almost a month-long silence...

i'll start with a brief update:

family... fine, no problem whatsoever
friends... we may be apart but we still keep in touch
school... hmmm....

to tell the truth, i am having a hard time going through the ropes of my new school. let's take the first day of school, for instance. that day should be spent at least by getting to know your new classmates and the like. me? i spent the whole day trying to salvage my PE slot because i was unable to attend the first meeting. my schedule sucks too. never-ending classes from 10-2:30 will either make you really hungry or really sleeepy... in my case BOTH. different orientations haunts me on the possibility of not graduating. new friends can also be a problem...

i have lost count on how many times i considered transferring to another school (wow and its only the first month!). but if ever i did transfer, i might catch myself regretting on taking a rare opportunity or worse, accuse myself for incompetence.

my friends were patient enough to hear my litany of sorrows. Joielet introduced me to the 40 day rule.

me: this is a very VERY horrible day!
joielet: oh well, at least day 1 is over and you only have 39 days left.
me: huh?
joielet: in a school year there are 40 horrible days, the faster you live them the faster you could experience happy days.
me: is it true?
joielet: yes
me: is it scientifically proven?
joielet: uh no... but it works for me.

fortunately, God also have ways on bestowing saving graces. i shall never forget that certain Tuesday afternoon when i sa Fr. Edwin at Katipunan. seeing former batchmates around the campus are also heart-warming. and of course, i have my barkada to keep me alive.

i just hope that days would be more welcoming than the last.
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