Gift Ficlet for kellychambliss

Aug 17, 2011 20:37

This is in response to a prompt kellychambliss gave me ::mumble mumble:: months ago. I actually wrote it some time back, but I was waiting until I'd written more to post a batch together. Well... it seems as though it's going to be a bit longer before I get to those. ::cough:: So might as well let this one go out to its intended recipient, yes?

For: kellychambliss
Title: A Certain Charm
Pairing: Minerva/Moody
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 521
Prompt: HP: Minerva/Moody, laces

It was the laces, Alastor decided.

Somewhere in the middle of an especially tedious Order meeting, Minerva had leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, and that was when Alastor's attention had been drawn to them. Not her legs; those were covered by her prim robes. Her boots. They were an old-fashioned style, black, with a pointed toe and a bit of heel. The smooth leather curved with the arch of her foot and hugged her ankle. But it was the laces, extending the full length of the boots and crisscrossing in a precise pattern, that pushed them from 'intriguing' over into 'dead sexy'.

The shock of a mild Stinging Hex hit his shoulder, and Alastor looked up to see Minerva, wand in hand, giving him a disapproving look. So much for his touted constant vigilance. He shot Minerva a quick glare and then forced his attention back to Kingsley's remarks on who in the Ministry might be under Voldemort's influence.

That wasn't the end of the matter with the boots, however. When the meeting ended, Minerva cornered Alastor in the hallway. One thin eyebrow upraised, she asked, "Alastor, what were you staring at earlier?"

Never one to mince words, Alastor shrugged and replied, "Your boots."

"My boots," Minerva echoed. "And why, dare I ask, were you staring at my boots?"

Alastor's mouth stretched into a crooked, conspiratorial grin. "They're sexy. Meow, Kitty."

If Minerva's eyebrow went any higher, it would be in danger of disappearing into her hairline. "Alastor Moody. You are not nearly as amusing as you think you are. No one has called any part of me 'sexy' in quite some time, least of all my boots."

"Well, they have now," Alastor said, his grin growing broader at Minerva's utter incredulity. His gaze trailed down to where the toe of her boot peered out from beneath the hem of her robes. "Damn sexy."

Minerva appeared to size Alastor up for several moments. At last she said, "In that case, you aren't half bad yourself."

Alastor snorted. "Pull the other one. You asked a question; I gave an honest answer. No need to take the piss with me."

"I wasn't. You're a bit rough around the edges, I suppose, but I've always thought you had a certain charm nonetheless."

"Charm, eh?" Alastor said, his smile returning. "You haven't even begun to see charm, Miss McGonagall." Bending low, he gave her a formal bow before taking her hand and kissing it lightly. He finished up with a flourish, proving that he could still be smooth and graceful enough when he saw fit.

Although Minerva's expression said she was unimpressed, the faint flush that rose on her cheeks suggested otherwise. "Well, Mr Moody, you'll have the opportunity to prove it. You will take me out to dinner this weekend, and if you can, indeed, behave like a gentleman all evening, I might agree to a nightcap afterwards."

"You have yourself a deal!"

"And if you're particularly engaging," Minerva added, "you could have the opportunity to see my boots again. In fact, I might even allow you to unlace them."

gift ficlet, fic

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