Quick Tidbits

Aug 14, 2010 12:36

I've been in Oklahoma since Tuesday, and have been occupied with things here and not able to be online much. Nothing much of interest to report, though; I've just been puttering around with my mom during the day, hanging out with dano_140 in the evenings, and getting lots of dog time.

Today, however, I'll get to see alisanne and celandineb! \o/ If you keep an eye on our journals, I suspect a drabble offer might appear on one or more of them at some point this afternoon...

FYI, snapelyholidays sign-ups are open!! I'll be signing up before the day is out, I imagine. :D

There's nothing like starting off your day with a drool-worthy ficlet that someone's written for you, is there?? entrenous88 wrote me (and sabethea, with whom I don't mind sharing at all) an amazingly tasty Marauders-era Snape/Sirius ficlet, Relative Satisfaction. OMG. The tension is just oozing out of this one, and the last line... !

And remember that I mentioned the awesome Harry art by moonlitdark that I won in the raffle at the hp_uk_meetup? Well, she's posted it here: The Battle. Totally G-rated and WS; go check it out and give the artist some love!

One last thing... My mother pointed me to this one. Have you all seen the commercial for the new pretzel M&Ms?? It's pretty much the slashiest, most borderline-obscene commercial ever. If this wasn't intentional... Dude, this had to have been intentional. o_O

for me, squee

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