Long overdue squee: Back while I was in the middle of full-on academic panic,
eeyore9990 wrote me an awesome gift fic. It's Tin Man, Cain/Glitch, PG --
A Long Overdue Psychiatric Appointment (in comments; scroll down). Glitch is just perfect -- post-series Glitch who is not quite Glitch but not quite Ambrose either, and still struggling to figure out exactly what they means. And the way Eey works in the canon references is just fantastic. I love it! ::cuddles fic::
Also, thank you to
nehalenia, and
ragdoll for the virtual milk and cookies! It's funny how little things like that can really make your day, isn't it? :D
I have a bunch more things to post over the next couple of days, so, uh, I apologize in advance for any spamming of your f-list in which I might engage...