School Blather and Some Other Random Thing

Aug 26, 2008 22:56

Apologies if this entry is duller than dirt. I've been encouraged to post a bit more often. ;)

The new semester begins here in eight days, and I'm frantically attempting to sort out my course schedule.

This time around, the school is offering absolutely nothing useful to me in the way of physical anthropology/biology courses. So, out of lack of anything better to do, I'm going to take this as an opportunity to improve my knowledge of some of the other subfields of anthropology.

Unfortunately, they're not offering a great deal in those, either.

One class that I was interested in taking didn't list a date or time, so I contacted the professor for more information. I heard back from him today, and it turns out that he's not even going to be teaching that class due to lack of interest. *headdesk* He's teaching another course that doesn't particularly appeal to me, but I might take it anyway out of sheer desperation. Ugh.

In other random news… I've been missing the hell out of my club in Dallas lately.

The Church is a goth-type club that operates on Thursday and Sunday nights. In the last few months that I lived in Texas, I was going at least once, and often two times each week. I'd quickly suck down one drink, maybe two, then I'd spend the entire rest of the night on the dance floor. I was usually there until it closed at 4:00 am.

For me, dancing is some of the greatest therapy there is. I can get entirely wrapped up in the music, the lights, the throng of bodies, and just forget everything else for a while. It's an amazing release. Also, just getting out, being around people, and getting some exercise does wonders for fighting off my winter depressions.

There is a pretty decent goth club here in Philly, but it only operates one day per week (Wednesdays) and it's somewhat difficult for me to get to. Still… I'm thinking I should start putting forth the effort to go there semi-regularly. I need my dance therapy.

Hey ornithoptercat -- wanna go dancing..?

penn, rl

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