The first day of the new semester went well. Let's hope this trend keeps up.
10:00 AM -- went to first class, evolution of populations. Essentially, a population genetics course. I'm actually pretty excited about this class; I think it's going to be awesome. The prof is covering the theoretical aspects, but it reinforcing it with math. Lots and lots of math. He also seems to be a very good lecturer, and a nice guy.
10:50 AM -- got out of above class and walked the six blocks to the Museum. This walk is going to suck rocks in the winter.
11:02 AM -- walked into Dr. Monge's intro to human evolution course only slightly late. This is the class for which I'm TAing this semester, and she wanted the TAs to show up so that she could introduce us. I'll probably also attend the class on a fairly regular basis, just so I make certain I know what material she's covering/emphasizing. Looks like I'll be stumbling in late, though. Ah well.
11:50 AM -- went to the computer lab with the other TAs to find out how many students were registered for each of our recitations. (It's pretty cool; I can see photos of them, with names, majors, and year; hehe!) Currently, I have 10 in one session and 16 in the other. I'm sure lots of switching around will take place over the next week or so, though.
After that, went to the bank, and then the bookstore, where I did the requisite gagging over the cost of textbooks.
Usually I'd tech a recitation on Wednesday afternoon, but since recitations don't start until next week, I got to go home early today. Once I was at home, though, I had to decide on times for my office hours and post those to the Blackboard site for the course, and then write up a short bio and post it as well. The bio I finally settled on:
Rowan received her B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Arlington, and is now a Ph.D. student in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include skeletal biology, the hominid fossil record, and modern human origins with a particular emphasis on Homo erectus and "archaic" Homo sapiens in Asia and Europe. She spends far too many hours poring over academic papers and not nearly enough time reading comic books and fantasy novels these days, in her opinion.
What do y'all think? ::snerk::
OMG, I've been so tired the last couple of days. I'm not used to keeping a 'normal' schedule or... something. Whatever it is, I hope I adjust soon, because I've been completely useless in the evenings.
Tomorrow I get to go to the stats class and find out whether I remember enough from my undergrad stats course to keep up. Wish me luck. If that course doesn't pan out, I'm not sure what the heck I could replace it with. o.O