Mar 20, 2012 13:40
Been playing some Pathfinder Society scenarios the past few months. Usually whenever our standard Sunday night group can't make it.
This past Sunday our group failed the mission, narrowly avoiding a TPK. We got to the very end of the scenario and in the first round of the final battle the two primary fighters were blasted by color spray and rolled a 1 and a 3. The two healers surrendered and that was it.
This may have been the first time I felt like I "lost" dnd, and when that happens I don't think anyone is happy (unless the GM is malicious), unlike a board game where at least one person wins.
But you can't win them all, and when you do loose, it enforces the reality that it's possible to lose and the DM isn't going to just save you every time things get bleak. It also makes the clinch victories truly sweet as you pulled out a win despite extremely difficult odds, and I would say most of the PFS games so far have been clinch victories.