:D I'm from Ohio. I promise it will grow on you a bit. I think people here tend to be much nicer. It seems the closer I get to the ocean the more bitter people are. Good luck here!! I'm up north in Toledo ;)
hey! i live about a half and hour from toledo near bowling green! i love when i see people on here that live near me! personally i don't really like it here but i's not that bad. it can be really cool. it just depends on where you go.
well its definatly not somewhere beautiful but its home right? lol like Frank says how much he loves dirty jersey....I could move to europe but I know I couldnt wait to get back home and have some wendy's.
And & ♥ Jersey hxc. If you were born here and grow up here it's much different than just visiting or moving here. It's a really strong love/hate relationship.
I'm moving to Warren. DDD: And we'll be staying with my grandmother's sister for like a month or so in Bristoville? Is that right? I dunno. It sucks. And it makes me die a little inside. Maybe if I was in a bigger city I'd feel like I was home again?
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