Where do I start? Simple observation: Life amazes me sometimes.
Thank you. Thank you for proving that the silent screams of UPDATE JOURNAL running through my head at the weirdest, most inconvenient hours are actually directing me toward that which I've always wanted to do. That is, achieve Internet fame. No, wait. I mean, help others.
But seriously, I'm unbelievably glad to have written something that resonates with you! That's at least one step above actually being comprehensible.
Despite the overwhelming deluge of COLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGE, I hope you can derive some sort of excitement from the exploration process. The more I think about it, the more it seems like a well-prepared tasting menu rather than a giant stress buffet (theoretically, at least). The best thing to do is to enjoy the presentations and simply meditate on the things that really define you, that can shine through the grittiest and most exhausting of application procedures. For one, I think you have a fantastic blog (just from a glance, albeit a long one).
I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I never finished Gödel, Escher, Bach after attending a stunning lecture last summer, but I'm currently and wonderfully entrenched in Douglas Hofstadter's I Am a Strange Loop . Have you read it, by chance? It's crushing my former opinion on free will into a fine, useless powder . . . in a good way, of course.
I'm pretty sure those silent screams were me hoping for more entries, which explains the odd hours since we're in different time zones. Anyway, thank you for the encouraging words, which I hope to keep in mind while the rest of my peers appear to feast at the stress buffet.
I have in fact read Strange Loop, but I think I'll have to read it again because I think I went at it expecting something like GEB-- which it wasn't at all. So I felt a little let down, because I adored the breadth and depth and sheer exhilarating complexity of GEB and felt Strange Loop to be rather thin and flimsy in comparison. But of course, it's a different book.
Which is a lot of superfluous words for this: I didn't like it as much as GEB, but I intend to give it another shot at pleasing me. Incidentally, I suspect it's good to have your opinions pulverized every once in a while. Else how would you build sandcastles?
Thank you. Thank you for proving that the silent screams of UPDATE JOURNAL running through my head at the weirdest, most inconvenient hours are actually directing me toward that which I've always wanted to do. That is, achieve Internet fame. No, wait. I mean, help others.
But seriously, I'm unbelievably glad to have written something that resonates with you! That's at least one step above actually being comprehensible.
Despite the overwhelming deluge of COLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGE, I hope you can derive some sort of excitement from the exploration process. The more I think about it, the more it seems like a well-prepared tasting menu rather than a giant stress buffet (theoretically, at least). The best thing to do is to enjoy the presentations and simply meditate on the things that really define you, that can shine through the grittiest and most exhausting of application procedures. For one, I think you have a fantastic blog (just from a glance, albeit a long one).
I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I never finished Gödel, Escher, Bach after attending a stunning lecture last summer, but I'm currently and wonderfully entrenched in Douglas Hofstadter's I Am a Strange Loop . Have you read it, by chance? It's crushing my former opinion on free will into a fine, useless powder . . . in a good way, of course.
I have in fact read Strange Loop, but I think I'll have to read it again because I think I went at it expecting something like GEB-- which it wasn't at all. So I felt a little let down, because I adored the breadth and depth and sheer exhilarating complexity of GEB and felt Strange Loop to be rather thin and flimsy in comparison. But of course, it's a different book.
Which is a lot of superfluous words for this: I didn't like it as much as GEB, but I intend to give it another shot at pleasing me. Incidentally, I suspect it's good to have your opinions pulverized every once in a while. Else how would you build sandcastles?
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