Another one of those crazy days.

Jun 23, 2008 23:45

Those aren't racing slicks.

Day started out just fine. I replaced the flat back tire of my bike last night (two weeks after embedding a two-inch long metal shard clear through the tube). When I left my office for a vet appointment, I noticed my back tire was completely flat again. *PANIC* I called poor River and asked if I could get a rapid-speed ride home. It seems my tires are so thin that normal tubes won't hold anymore. Oops. Guess I need to get new treads--though just the back tire for now. The front seems reasonably okay.

Do you really think I'd name a pet after a coffee shop?

I got there 15 minutes late, but they didn't seem to mind. Got liquidy nutrient goodies for Leto since he still isn't eating, and I got Starbuck checked up since she still isn't eating and is losing weight. She's okay, though--just some stuff related to her egg development (yep, she's pregnant...though they form eggs whether they've mated or not, so who knows if they're fertile) and a minor infection. On a humorous note, I was both amused and annoyed that they wrote her name down as "Starbucks" despite that I was careful to not pronounce any extra S's. *sigh* Got it fixed, though I bet the pharmacy has the extra S. (We'll find out tomorrow.)

But wow, I'm really loving Starbuck. She's such a sweetie! She panicked several times when the vet held her ('course, he was doing stressful things), but when I held her--even at uncomfortable angles--she calmed down. Perhaps she's not as calm as Big Dude (definitely not as lazy), but I can tell she recognizes me by sight and smell/taste already, and she absolutely loves being held and stroked. It's amazing the change between the first few nights I handled her and now. At first, she hissed at me and tried to bite me. Now, when I sit beside her tank at night, she comes over to the glass and paws against it, wanting to be picked up.

Geckos are <3.

Didn't you get the memo?

I went to one of the ministers' houses this evening for our summer weekly Bible study thingy (after picking up my bike, getting more crickets, and discovering that the pharmacy was closed), only to find three slightly confused family members finishing dinner at their table...and no one else. Apparently, we're having it on Wednesday this week (maybe). It was fine, though. We just sat and talked about random stuff.


Monkey see, monkey do.

It's a meme-type thingy. It involves dragons. So I guess that means I'd pick it up sooner or later. I think ya have to click on them a certain number of times for them to hatch and grow to adults. So I'll keep these up for a while (until I get bored). Feel free to click or not to click.



Um, I thought there was something else I was going to mention, but as usual, I can't think of what it could've been. Guess I'll have to pester y'all with it later.

EDIT: I remember now. A comic I read weekly had a hilarious video comic a few days ago, so I just have to post it: Faulty Logic (most recent comic).


my reptile army, sheep, hee hee hee, religion

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