The Basics
Name: Brittany
Actual Age: 16
Estimated Maturity Age: 18
Gender: Female
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Do you think your sign fits you?: Yes
About You
Likes: Cheese, Green, Anime, Yaoi, Video Games, Fishing, SHOES!, Math, POW!(Pig/cow!), SunChips, Books, Posters, Plushies, Pillows, Blankets.
Dislikes: Peas, Wesker, Aeris, Thunder Storms, Those who discriminate, HALO.
Hobbies and/or Talents: Painting, cosplaying, reading.
Bad Habits: Suck/Chew on action figures, I think farting is funny ^_^.
Pick One
So is that glass over there half empty of half full? Half way
You a day person or a night person? Day
Do you plan or just act? Both
Introvert or extrovert? Both
Philosophical Stuffs
If you were stuck in an RE-like situation what one weapon would you like to have? Standard Handgun
What one object do you think describes/represents you the best? No clue