
Sep 05, 2007 21:10

Hi all
Today I purchased a kettle. The apartment now feels like home, and cooking time has been cut in half. I had an interesting time this morning, trying to make the shower work, and then, er, trying to stop it working so well - all over the bathroom. Oh well. It’s dry now.

Walked to work this morning, very invigorating. Might need my coat tomorrow, as it is getting cold here already. Luxembourg, despite being a severely boring town (as anyone who has ever been here will testify), appears to be quite a nice place to live - a bit like Belgium. Also the Lx radios appear to have gone on a charm offensive, as they are playing Queen everywhere I go :-) Happy Polly! I’ve decided to tune my radio to some random German channel, in the hope that I might be able to pick up some German that way. Ooh, it’s just started playing a song by Queen…

But I digress. Work is going well - got my first project today. It’s all about tax law. I think that I am going to be working quite hard this weekend. Around returning to Belgium to retrieve my sodding mobile phone, and the rest of my junk. I really have too much stuff. Especially clothes. When I get back to the UK, I am going to have an open wardrobe day, where all my friends (or light entertainment costume mistresses) are permitted to take whatever they like from that which I no longer wear. The rest will go to Oxfam. Am sick of carting round things I never wear!

Right, that is all you are getting for today. Pip pip!
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