Zodiac Sign:Libra
Interests:dance,horses lol
Favorite Stores: abercrobie,american eagle,aero
Favorite Bands/Singers:greenday
Favorite TV Shows:cribs,newlyweds,simple life
Favorite Quotes: Every Girl Is a Princess
Favorite Aniomals: kittie,puppy
Favorite Sport to watch/play:i like to watch baseball and i do horseback riding(yes,it is a sport)lol
Choose which one you like best:
Simple Plan or Green Day:Green day
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate of course
Britney or Christina: Britney
Jessica or Ashlee: Jess
Pink or Red:Pink
Friday or Saturday:Fri
Single or Taken:Taken =(
Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan: Lindsay
Describe your typical weekend:Hanging out with friends..on computer ..doing hott stuff like this lol
How did you find us?(enter username if you can):idk..i just saw it in a journal..dont remember..sry
What makes you truly gorgeous?I think the thing that makes me truly gourgeous is that I dont focas on my "looks" but on making myself more beautifull on the inside...also I think I have a good personality and I can make friends almost as easly as I can eat a hole box of choclate when im depressed
Who do you love?:No one im welling to say ...
Describe yourself in 3 words:spunky,loveable,funny