Title: The Trials of Nanao Ise
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Shunsui/Nanao
Spoilers: Through manga chapter 423
Status: Ongoing
Rating: R
Summary: Nanao will face the consequences of her decisions during and after the Arrancar War. Can she overcome these trials, or will they divide her from Captain Kyōraku forever? Canon compliant through manga chapter
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Comments 8
And what a lucky (?) misunderstanding over Nanao's packing.
Yama-jii! So rude. Really doesn't trust or respect people, does he?
Action is starting to get thick...I hope you won't kill or exile Nanao. It would be really disappointing. Also I'm quite waiting for this so called 'experience' xd she still has one week, one week it's quite long time :P
Nanao will have several more experiences before the story ends! Unfortunately this last third of the story is the part that needs the most editing and pruning, so there's still a lot of work before it's done! ;D
Wee~~ I can imagine that *cough cough* Don't rush it :D Take our time we will wait patiently :P
Btw have I told you that I love your story already? better, how many times I have already told you that xd
I'm not sure which userpic you mean, but the one of Shunsui at the top of this post is from the Colorful Bleach book, which you can find scans of online/get at bookstores, the icon itself is made by draiol; the Nanao icon that's my default is from a fanart, but I don't know what fanart--the icon is made by crescent_fall at icon_fall, so you may be able to find the post there with more information. The icon of Shunsui in a frame is made by stharridan at shoujo_s. The icon of Shunsui with a heart is also made by draiol.
There are many unanswered questions about the shinigami, among them, how are they all in great shape, except Omaeda? Especially Shunsui. :P
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