Title: Pineapples and Rain
Pairing: Shinji/Hiyori
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: T
Status: One-shot
Contains: Spoilers for the Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc. Foul language.
Summary: Shinji must tell Hiyori about the offer he's received, and what he intends to do. Written for the challenge at
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Comments 6
*Spoilers for manga*
I was a bit sad in the recent chapter to see Hiyori in the Living World while Shinji is in Soul Society. I like the two of them together.
*End spoilers*
I might do a bit more for your challenge, if I can get the time - the parameters are appealing. I have a couple Shunsui/Nanao stories I'm working on that are being difficult, and your challenge is a fun break. ^_^;
I nearly screamed when I saw Hiyori in the manga! Then I realized that she's apart from Shinji now, DEPRESSING. D:
Yeah, I was thrilled to see Hiyori alive and well, and then very sad when I realized she was in the Living World, and not in Soul Society with Shinji. D.
“Jazz goes with everything.” - Great line. :)
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