Title: Department of Magical Creatures Case #625369
wwmrsweasleydoPairings: DM/RW, DM/EM, DM/SF, DM/TH, DM/JFF, DM/CW, DM/multipleOMC's, RW/3OMC's, HG/OMC, BW/FD
Spoilers: Well, I started writing this just after HBP, so I guess spoilers to that. Not much of DH is incorporated.
Word Count: 8,000
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter bits, but greatly appreciate the use of them.
Summary/Notes/Warnings: At 21, Draco Malfoy is on a journey to find his life mate, but is delayed by pesky Hufflepuffs screaming 'regulations' and 'laws'. Please, Malfoys play by their own rules.
16 Links go to my personal journal, which is f-locked. If you do not wish to friend me/don't have an age statement on your profile, you may also read the earlier chapters
Chapter 17
My Dearest Ronald,
I know that you are otherwise engaged, but I hope you do not mind my writing to you. As there is not one minute of the day when I do not think about you and wish you were with me, I find I am quite incapable of keeping myself silent. It might sound silly or insane, but I miss you. Sometimes I miss you so badly I can barely stand for the pain of your absence. I do wish you would reconsider. However, if you choose not to, then I shall instead tell you what you are missing in the hopes that you will one day be persuaded. You do not have to write back to me, but if you choose to do so, I would be grateful. I wish to know you, to really know you, and not just what I remember from school or what Harry tells me. You are my raison d'être. I wish to know everything about you.
I have moved back to the Manor with my mother. You have not indicated if you have actually read any of my paperwork, so I do not know what you know about me. Before I saw you and realized what you were to me, I was in a steady relationship with an American named Smith Michael. I have shared a flat with Smith for the past two years, but now that I know of you, it no longer feels right. I do not wish to be with anyone but you. In fact, my body will not let me be with anyone but you, even if I desired to do so. Whenever Smith touches me, my skin feels as though it were burning. It has caused us both a great deal of trouble as he wishes to comfort me in my despair, but cannot. I love him very much and wish there was something I could do, but I know I have broken his heart just as you have chosen to break mine. I only wish there was something I could do to make the situation better, but I know that without going back to him, it will never be better. And I cannot do that while there is still the hope of you.
I have not lived in the Manor since the summer after the War was ended, but it has little changed. The Dark has been eradicated, but Mother has insisted that everything stays the same. I spend most of my day taking care of Mother, who is in a worse condition than I am, having lost my father forever. I worry that I will be like her some day, weak and sick with sadness, incapable of really being happy again. Thanks to Harry's assistance, we shall both soon have a distraction from our sorrow. I do not know if Harry has told you, but he has agreed to release Severus Snape into our custody so that he may complete his sentence under house arrest. We are working hard to prepare his rooms and to supply the potions laboratory for his use. We are both excited for his coming, even though we know it will be a struggle to pull him out of whatever dark place years in Azkaban has put him in. I hope his coming will help all three of us.
I hope you are doing well. Harry has told me that you have returned to Egypt. I hope you are happy there and that you enjoy your work. I would love to know more about what you do, if you would be willing to tell me. I would like to know more about any aspect of your life you would like to tell me, even if that includes information about I find I cannot finish that last sentence, so I will withdraw it. I would like to know anything you would like to tell me. Anything at all.
Before I leave you, I wish you to know that though it might seem so from my words, I do not fault you your choice. I do understand your desire to stay with the person you love rather than leave him for a stranger you only remember disliking, but I still so desperately wish things were different. You may only remember the nasty, spoiled child I once was, but I promise that I am no longer that child. I will love you with more passion and loyalty than any other person on earth is capable of doing. I am willing to do absolutely anything to ensure your happiness, including standing by while you love another. I will never mistreat you, judge you, laugh at you, lie to you, stray from you, or leave you. I will always be yours, even if you do not want me. Can your partner promise these things? Until I write again.
Yours eternally,
Ron sighed and shoved the letter into his pocket, ignoring Seth's inquisitive look. He had not told Seth about Malfoy yet, but he had a feeling he knew what his employer and friend would say. "Is the passage clear yet?" he asked.
Seth ignored his question. "That was not a bird I have seen before, but it was very beautiful."
"Yeah," Ron murmured, looking towards the workers clearing sand from the tomb entry so that he didn't have to look at Seth.
"Such a beautiful bird must have a special owner."
Ron snorted. "He's special all right."
"It was not from Mr. Franck, I think."
"No, not Franck."
"A new young gentleman, then?"
"No. Just…" He sighed and turned to Seth. There was no way Seth was letting this go, he knew. When Ron had agreed to apply for this position, he'd had no idea he was going to be working for such a busy body. "You're going to make me tell you, aren't you?"
"Is there a reason you would not want to tell me?"
"No, I just… I'm not really keen on thinking about it, yeah? You know how I went to England a few weeks ago for my brother's birthday do?" Seth nodded. "Well, we ran into an old schoolmate, Draco Malfoy. We never really got on, but Harry's mates with him now, er… friends, I mean. I hadn't seen him in probably ten years, but I know loads about him through Harry. Anyway, he's half-veela and now he's trying to tell me I'm his mate. He wants me to leave Franck and be with him. The owl's from him."
Seth raised an eyebrow. "You do not believe him?"
"Why should I? He's a git. He's never done anything nice for me and up until I saw him a few weeks ago, we hated each other."
"But he is a veela."
Seth rested his large hands on Ron's shoulders, weighing him down and forcing him to make eye contact with his mentor and friend. "Do you remember the first day we met?"
"'Course I do," Ron said, confused. What did their first meeting have to do with Malfoy?
"Do you remember when we were talking about why you were able to see the hieroglyphs when no one else was? It was a sign and now we know why. You are meant to be with a veela." Seth's expression was so stern and serious that it reminded him of Harry and angered him. Why was everyone siding with Malfoy?
"Look, I don't believe in fate. I don't want to be with Malfoy; I want to be with Franck. I'm in love with Franck. I'm not leaving him, full stop."
Seth backed off, nodding. "Yes, yes, you will make your own choices. I know how stubborn you can be, my friend. Have you at least spoken to your lover on this matter?"
"No. He'll leave me."
"And so you will lie to him? Do you not think he will find out in the end?"
"I…" Ron scowled. Sometimes he hated talking to Seth. He was so bloody wise. That didn't mean Ron had to listen to him.
"Nevermind. I can see that you are not open to these thoughts as of yet. Let us go and see what the progress is, yes?" Without another word, Seth led Ron over to the opening the men were working on clearing. Ron had discovered the opening the day before while searching for a private place to piss and they had dropped everything they were doing to clear the door. Now they had a line of workers hauling out dirt so that they could try to get inside. The doorway was situated in such a way that it had to be the original entrance to the tomb, and as they had been trying for three months to get the newer entrance open with no success, this might be their only way in. Ron watched the workers. The cloth sacs were filled less and less with each pass. They were close.
"Can you feel it? This is it. He's buried here, I know it," Ron murmured to Seth. Seth only shrugged and smiled the enigmatic smile that always drove Ron up the wall. Finally, a shout was called out and the workers stopped. Mahdy popped out of the narrow passage grinning from ear to ear.
"It is clear," he said in Arabic. Seth and Ron shared equally large grins and Seth instructed the workers to take a break before both followed Mahdy into the tunnel. It was dusty and narrow and all three had to light their wands to be able to see, but the doorway was clearly visible and there were markings. Markings that clearly indicated Re. As soon as Ron touched the markings, they brightened and shifted. Khaemwaset's name appeared, as did Nefertari's.
"Do you see that? This is it. I can feel how strong the magic is under my fingertips. He's here."
"I see that the reaction is stronger now that you are solidly connected with a veela."
Ron shot his mentor a glare. "Can we focus?"
"It is just an observing, yes?" Seth shifted in front of his son and began throwing diagnostic spells at the door to see what sorts of hexes might have been placed on it for protection. What the spells brought back was a jumble of nonsense that neither he nor Ron could decipher. They had no idea what the spells were, but whatever the magic was, it was strong. Much stronger than Ron had ever seen before. Without really knowing what they were breaking down, they began throwing anti-curses at the door.
Nothing worked. Ron slammed his palm against the flat of the door in frustration. The image rippled in recognition of him, but nothing else happened.
Seth patted his shoulder. "We will do research. I do not think it will be an easy job to open this door."
"You think?"
"This could be the magic syphoned from the god himself. We need to study the old magics again. Perhaps there will be a clue." Ron nodded, sighing. He felt defeated. They had been working on this project for so many years, and now they were standing in front of the answer to all their questions and they couldn't open the bloody door. "Come, we will dismiss the workers for today and go to the library. We will find a way."
"Yeah, all right." Ron followed the Egyptians out, his thoughts never leaving the stone doorway behind him.
Draco would have been unnerved by how long Severus remained in the bath if he had not known that it was Severus' first in eight years. He thought the man deserved an extra-long soak after that sort of misery. This did not however prevent him from barging in on Severus' privacy in order to speak with him about the house rules. "Severus, I hope you do not mind my interrupting, but I thought it best if we discussed a few things now. Do you mind?"
"What is it?" came Severus' raspy croak. Draco knew it would be weeks, if not months before the smooth scintillation of Severus' voice returned. Draco slipped into the bathroom and padded over to the vanity on bare feet. The room smelled of sandalwood and beeswax and pine needles, all scents undoubtedly used in the bath oils. He managed a genuine smile when his eyes reached Severus', pleased to see him out of a prison cell and looking well-scrubbed, if much too thin.
"As you know, a condition of your probation is that you brew certain potions for St. Mungo's, Hogwarts, and the Ministry. I have obtained several lists from these institutions of potions they desire you to brew, and took the liberty of obtaining all the necessary ingredients. The house-elves have scoured the potions laboratory on the second floor and stocked it for your use. I hope you do not mind the location. I did not think you would want to use the lab in the dungeons."
Severus' eyes shuttered closed. "No, I have had my fill of the dark and the damp."
"I thought you might. Potter told you that you are still not permitted a wand, yes?"
"He did. I do not know how he expects me to brew certain of the potions desired without one."
"I will be here to help you. All you need do is ask."
"My watcher, are you?" he scoffed.
"Yes and no. I want to help you, Severus. I owe you a great deal."
"You have given me a modicum of freedom. Consider your debt repaid."
"I don't think you'll be saying that when the house-elves are following you around everywhere you go."
"I have never paid attention to house-elves."
Draco didn't have a response, so he watched Severus instead. The lines were deeper on his face than they had been before, even with his eyes shut and his head resting on the side of the bath. His hair was so long it disappeared beneath the chest-high water. He was emaciated and so pale his skin would have glowed, had it not been dulled by malnutrition and mild dehydration. Draco wondered if the lighting was too bright for him after living for so long in such dark circumstances. He wondered a lot of things, but he knew Severus well enough not to ask. Instead he stood and walked to the edge of the tub. "I'm glad you're here, Severus. We have missed you." To his horror, Draco felt tears pool in his eyes. He cursed his over-emotionality since his rejection. The cursing did not stop the tears from falling.
"Are you crying, Draco?"
"Forget it. I've been crying like a teenage girl lately. Not much I can do about it."
"You mother informed me of your predicament. However much I dislike Mr. Weasley, I do not wish you to be troubled."
"Thank you. He's stubborn. I just have to be patient and hope I don't make a fool of myself in public in the meantime." He smiled through the tears shining in his eyes. "I'll let you relax now. I know I've probably bothered you enough as it is." He made to leave, but Severus looked sharply up at him.
"Stay. I have spent more time than I care to remember with only my demons for company. If you do not mind, I would very much like your company."
Draco nodded, understanding the need to be social after such a long isolation. He pulled the cushioned vanity stool over to the edge of the tub and sat with his toes just dipping into the warm water. "What would you like to talk about?"
Severus hesitated, taking a moment to consider the request. "Tell me what I have missed." Draco nodded and proceeded to catch his former professor up on ten years of political history, society happenings, and everything in between.
My Dearest Ronald,
I hope you are well. I cannot stop myself from again telling you how much I miss you and want you with me. Or rather, I wish that I were with you. I would move to Egypt to be with you, you know. Or Mongolia, the Arctic, the Amazon rainforest, wherever you needed me to be. I have these fantasies of nights in a tent together, sharing a tiny cot, our naked bodies the only thing to keep us warm. In my fantasy, you've been gone all day while I stay in our tent thinking about all the ways I want you to fuck me when you get back. When you do finally come back, I'm waiting for you completely naked. I strip you slowly of all your sweaty, dirty clothes and use a wet flannel to wash away the dirt and grime on you. Once finished, you pull me in your arms and kiss me until I can't breathe properly. You pick me up and carry me to the bed, where you smother me with your body like a warm, heavy blanket.
You're already hard when I wrap my fingers around your shaft and pump you. You're long and thick and I already can't wait to get you inside me. You take a hold of my cock as well and wrap our hands around both of them, stroking them together until I can't see straight. You like to do that, tease me until I can't stand it anymore. I pull your hair with my free hand and beg you to fuck me. You stroke us a few more times and take over my mouth in a long, intense kiss. Then you lift onto one hand and rub yourself against my hole. We don't need lube because my body already produces it, like a girl. (Didn't know I could do that, did you? I didn't either, but ever since the first time we touched, every time I think of you, my hole starts dripping.)
I moan underneath you and lift my hips closer. All I can think about is how badly I want you inside me, but you keep teasing until I scream for you to take me. Even as you enter, you're slow, pushing an inch and waiting, watching as I squirm in anticipation. I grab onto your shoulders and pull you down for a kiss and I know it's the best part of being with you. Do you remember what it feels like when we touch? All warm and soothing and perfect? Can you imagine what that will feel like when we kiss? When we're naked and pressed together? When you're sliding inside me and all either of us can think about is how wonderful and right it feels? That's what we're both feeling when you finally slide all the way home. I wrap my legs around your waist as you start to move, my fingers tangle in your hair as you suck on my bottom lip. We fall into a perfect rhythm right away, my hips lifting to meet yours. It's perfect. We're perfect.
After we're finished, I clean you up with my tongue. I can taste you in my mouth already, sharp and warm and all you. I trace a line of freckles up to your mouth and kiss you before settling into your arms. We fall asleep nestled together.
It could be like that every night. Every day. This is just one of my many fantasies. Would you like to hear more? Please let me know. I will continue to write either way, but I would do anything to hear from you.
Always yours,
Ron blushed so hard his face hurt. No one had ever spoken such filthy words to him before and Malfoy wasn't even present! He found himself rock hard and wishing that he wasn't. There was no easy way of skipping off to the loo for a wank when Fleur was around, even when she wasn't speaking to him, especially not with little Victoire staring up at him with big blue eyes and a smile that could melt glaciers. Not that he wanted to go and wank over Malfoy. Victoire giggled at him and pointed at his red face, bringing his brother's attention to his blush.
"Oh-ho, what's got you so hot around the collar?" Bill asked, a huge grin spread across his face.
"Nothing!" Ron snapped, quickly hiding the letter away in a pocket.
"Nice try, little brother." Bill's eyes flashed and his grin turned feral, and before Ron knew what he was about, he'd been tackled to the ground and his arms were pinned behind his back. He muttered curses under his breath and struggled against his brother's grip, but ever since Greyback, there was no matching Bill for strength. Bill just laughed in his ear and held onto his wrists tighter. "Sweetheart, get that letter from Uncle Ronnie for Daddy, will you?"
Victoire was giggling like an insane hyena as she kissed Ron's cheek and fished her little hand into his pocket and pulled out the letter. Her loud giggles were the only thing holding him back from cursing a blue streak at his brother. "Here, Daddy," she giggled, handing her father the now-crumpled parchment.
Bill shifted Ron's wrists to one hand, using his weight on Ron to keep him pinned, and unwrinkled the parchment with his free hand. "My Dearest Ronald-How sweet, Ronnie! Who's this from, then?- I hope you are well. I cannot stop myself from again telling you how much I miss you and want you with me. Or rather, I wish that I were with you. I would move to Egypt to be with you, you know. Or Mongolia, the Arctic, the Amazon rainforest, wherever you needed me to be. I have these fantasies of-" He abruptly stopped reading aloud, obviously mindful of his daughter throwing herself on top of him, still giggling like mad. There was a moment while Bill finished the letter when all Ron could do was squirm and avoid being kicked in the face by his niece. "Er…well. That's graphic. No wonder you blushed. This from Draco, then? Why are you in a tent?" Bill snorted. "He has no idea what we do, does he?"
Bill had relaxed his hold a bit as he read, just enough for Ron to twist away and throw him off. Bill fell to the side on his back, laughing at Ron's scowl. Ron punched him in the arm and sat up. "Prat. Stop calling him 'Draco' like you know him or something."
"Why are you all on ze floor? Zis is not a zoo," Fleur asked, coming in from the bedroom where she had hidden since Ron got there. They were the first words she had spoken to him since he had told her he was staying with Franck.
"Daddy lutte Oncle Ron, Mama! C'est très amusant!" Victoire squeaked, running to her mother and climbing her like a tree. Fleur sighed loudly and admonished her for being undignified, but didn't put her down.
"Why were you fighting?"
"Ron got a letter from Malfoy. A raunchy one." Bill was still grinning like the cat that got the cream, and Ron couldn't resist punching him again.
"Arrête! You are not children anymore! Zer is no wrestling in zis house!" She gave them both a glare and they cowed. "Zank you. Now, what is zis about Draco? Your mate whose 'eart you are breaking is writing you owls?"
Ron glared at her. "Sorry I wanted to stay with the man I love. You know, your cousin?"
"Oui, my part-veela cousin who I do not believe would let you do zis to another veela. I thought you were going to tell 'im ze truth."
"I did, not that it's any of your business."
Fleur stared him down, an intimidating move that had Ron lowering his eyes. "If you are going to continue to be stubborn, do not expect me to feed you." With that threat, she flounced out of the room, taking Victoire with her.
Ron scowled. "Why does she have to stick her nose in where it doesn't belong?"
"She loves you and Franck. She doesn't want either of your to be hurt or to hurt one another, which is what is inevitably going to happen. I know you don't want to hear it, but you're mated to a veela. Mated. Not married by choice, like Fleur and me. This is magic itself telling you that Draco Malfoy is the person you are meant to be with. It's only a matter of time before it happens and you know it."
"I don't want to talk about it." He snatched the letter back from his brother and tucked it into his jeans before standing. "I wish everyone would just stay out of my love life. I'll see you later." He turned on the spot and Apparated home, not waiting to hear Bill's reply. He had lost his erection sometime between reading the letter and wrestling with his brother, thankfully, so he didn't need to wank. Instead, he flopped onto the couch and spent the next hour doing his damnedest to think of nothing at all.
It was time to go and pick Emma up, but Harry was frozen on his sofa, ring box in his hand, staring at the ring he had saved six months to buy. It wasn't the traditional diamond because that was what he'd bought for Ginny and he had needed this proposal-this marriage to be different. Instead, he had chosen Emma's favorite color: a round pale pink stone called a kristoff that the jeweler had told him gave the wearer protection against curses. The protection wasn't perfect, but it would help him not to worry about her when he was gone on missions. He loved her and wanted her safe. He smiled to himself. He loved Emma and he was about to ask her to marry him. Two and a half years ago when he'd gone to that Christmas party, he never would have guessed that he would find the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
His smile turned into a goofy grin and he stood, snapping the box shut and hiding it in his trouser pocket, charmed to hide the telling lump. He took hold of the picnic basket and Apparated to Emma's.
She looked beautiful when she opened the door wearing a pale yellow sundress and matching flats. "Why are you smiling like that?" she asked, smiling herself. "You look like someone hit you with a cheering charm."
"Just happy to see you. You look beautiful." He leant down and kissed her. "Are you ready to go?"
"I hope so. You didn't tell me where we're going."
"I wanted to surprise you. Come here and I'll Side-Along you." He held his free hand out and she slipped under his arm, winding her arms around his waist and tucking her head under his chin. He held her close and Apparated to a grassy cliff on the coast of Dover. Emma let go and stepped away to look over the cliff at the bright blue ocean. Harry had picked a spot just close enough to the castle so that they could see it, but far enough away so that they didn't have to worry about passers-by. While she admired the view, Harry set the basket to magically unpack. By the time she'd turned back to him, the blanket was spread with lunch.
"This is such a lovely spot, Harry!" Emma gushed, turning to him with bright hazel eyes.
"It's not as lovely as you are in that dress, but I thought you would like it. Come sit down with me."
She did as he asked and folded herself onto the blanket. "Thank you, Harry. This is all so lovely. What's the occasion? Our anniversary isn't for several months."
"No occasion. I've been so busy with work lately and you've been so patient with me. I wanted to do something special for you."
She leant into him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you. You didn't have to, though. I know how busy the Aurors can get. It isn't as though you could help the workload."
Harry hesitated. He didn't want to lie to her, and now was as good a time as any to ask. He took a deep breath and smiled nervously at her. "Actually, it sort of was my fault I've been so busy. I took a few extra assignments so I could buy you something." He fished the box out of his pocket and got up on one knee facing her. Her eyes grew as big as saucers and she gasped. "Emma, I love you. You're the most beautiful person I've ever met, both inside and out, and you make me happier than anyone ever has. I can't imagine living my life without you now that I've found you. Will you marry me?" He opened the box and the stone shone in the sunlight and Emma gasped again.
"Oh Harry! I love you, too! Of course I'll marry you!" She threw herself at him and tackled him to the ground, kissing him. He laughed and kissed back, holding her tight. She began peppering his face with kisses. "I love you so much, Harry. You make me so happy, too! Can I see the ring again? It's so beautiful! And it's pink! Oh, I love it, Harry!" Harry pulled the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger, pulled her hand to his lips for a kiss. She didn't stop gushing over it or him for the rest of lunch.
He was in Azkaban; he didn't know how he knew it, but he was. It was cold and wet in his cell, and all he had for warmth was a thin night shirt. He tried the door, but it was locked from the outside and he didn't have his wand. He looked around, desperate for something to help him. He didn't deserve to be here; he hadn't done anything wrong! He knew if he stayed there too long, he would die. There was nothing in the room but a puddle in the corner and the maddening sound of water dripping slowly from the ceiling. He stood perfectly still, listening, hoping for some sort of noise that might mean rescue and freedom, but there was only the slow, constant drip. No wonder his father had gone mad in here.
Draco closed his eyes and prayed for salvation. He didn't want to die like his father. He had done nothing wrong, not since he was sixteen years old. All he wanted was to go home and be with his mate.
There was a noise, heavy footsteps down the corridor. Draco scrambled to the door and tried to call out, but his voice was broken and all he could manage was a squeak. It was enough. The cover on the window in the door was pushed aside and inside the window appeared Ron's beautiful face. Draco reached for him, squeaking questions and requests for Ron's help, but Ron only began laughing at him. It filled him with horror, the sound of that laugh. It wasn't Ron. It wasn't human. And it wouldn't stop. He curled up in the corner and began to sob, somehow knowing that Ron, his Ron, wasn't going to help him.
He awoke in a cold sweat, screaming his frustration, the cold laughter still ringing in his head. He curled onto his side and pulled his knees to his chest, his entire body riddled with pain and longing. For a minute, all he could concentrate on was the pain. He took deep breaths and tried to think about anything else but his dream and that haunting laugh. After a few minutes, the haunting voice began to fade away, only to be replaced by the faint screams of someone else. Draco sat up, confused and a little scared. He had a moment's flash-back to the summer before Sixth Year when Voldemort had moved into the Manor and the screams of his kidnap victims became a regular occurrence.
No, this wasn't Voldemort. This was Severus. Draco managed to get out of bed and pull on his dressing gown before heading down the hall the Severus' room. He didn't bother to knock before entering the room, the screams and his own pain too distracting for him to consider Severus' privacy. He found Severus cocooned in a complicated wrap of sheets and blankets, twisting about fighting to free himself. Draco grabbed onto his skinny shoulders and shook him. "Severus, calm down! You're safe!" he shouted over the screams. The man was so thin and fragile under Draco's hands that he worried he might break Severus' bones if he shook him harder. Thankfully, it wasn't necessary to do so because Severus finally awoke, eyes wild and fear plainer on his face than any emotion Draco had ever seen on him.
"Draco?" he croaked out. He tried to sit up, but the blankets were too tangled. Draco helped ease them aside. "What are you doing in my room?" Severus asked, voice still scratchy.
"You were calling out in your sleep. I heard it in my bedroom after I awoke from my own nightmare. Are you alright? Can I get you a glass of water?" He stood to do so without confirmation, but Severus shook his head.
"I'm fine. It was only an unsettling dream."
"I'll still get you some water. I would like some myself." He left Severus to collect himself while he fetched water from the adjacent bathroom. While the glasses filled with water, Draco looked at himself in the mirror. He looked terrible, skin deathly pale and dark circles under his eyes. He needed to find a way to get some sleep, but there hadn't been a night since he had found Ron when he didn't awake from a nightmare about his mate and his rejection. The evil laughter pounded through his brain, persistent and painful. The water overflowed onto his trembling hands and he quickly turned the tap off. He gulped the water from his own glass, ignorant of the dribble that ran down his night shirt. He needed to collect himself so that he could help Severus. He took a deep breath and managed to stop his hands from trembling long enough to take the water back into the bedroom without spilling.
His mother had arrived in his absence and was stroking Severus' brow and speaking quietly to him. Her presence seemed to soothe him, probably because she was using her pheromones on him. Draco could feel them tingling in the air around them. He crossed to the bed and handed Severus his water. Severus took it in both hands to keep it steady, but the force of his shaking hands still caused water to spill over the side and onto his blankets. He took a grateful drink and nodded to Draco.
"Thank you, darling. Why don't you go back to bed now? I can sit with Severus from here." His mother's voice was calm and soothing, like it used to be when he was a child. He never thought he would hear that tone again. She stroked his hand and brought it to her lips.
"Are you sure? I can stay."
"Go to bed." Her voice brooked no argument, but he stood awkwardly for a minute more, reluctant to go back to his dark room with nothing to distract him from the laughter ringing in his head. He finally bid them both good night and left the room, but he didn't go back to his own bed. He knew that there would be no sleeping any time soon. Instead, he made his way to the library and curled up in a chair by the fire to read and hopefully distract his thoughts from his estranged mate. He did not return to his bed that night.
Harry hadn't been to Malfoy Manor in a few months, but the outside looked just as well-tended as ever. His least favorite animal was standing at the gate, almost as though he had sensed Harry's coming and was waiting for him. The peacock peered through the wrought-iron, its beady little eye gleaming with what Harry was sure was hate. He hesitated before moving through the gates, glad when the wards still recognized him. He always worried that they would lash out at him, and the persistent peacock was bad greeting enough. The bird in question began to peck at him as soon as he was in reach.
"Stop it," Harry snapped, trying to shoo him away. The bird ignored him, trotting after him and nipping at his heels. "Bloody bird!" He yelled, kicking at it before escaping through the front door Malfoy had just opened for him.
"Hello to you, too, Harry," Malfoy said, smirking.
Harry scowled at him. "I think that peacock is possessed by your dad. He keeps trying to kill me."
"Indeed? Father did always love those birds."
Harry muttered something that sounded like bastard and took off his cloak. "Alright then?" he asked, looking Draco over. He looked tired and sad around the eyes, but the lingering amusement from Harry's frustration with his pet helped to make him look a little less haggard.
"I am as to be expected. And you?"
"I was pretty fantastic until I got attacked by that bloody peacock."
"I will have the house-elves restrain them when you come next week."
Harry gave him a once-over, noted the continued smirk, and rolled his eyes. "No, you won't. What's Snape up to?"
"Severus is brewing, I believe. I can only assume that you want to interrogate him and make sure he is not a threat to the wizarding world." He turned on the spot and beckoned for Harry to follow him down the hall.
"Sarcasm isn't very attractive on you, you know."
"Everything's attractive on me, Harry. Don't delude yourself just because you like silly women who wear too much pink."
"Watch what you say about Emma. I might not bother Ron so much about you."
Draco stopped dead and turned to face him once more. "How is he?"
"Last I heard he's fine. He's back in Egypt."
"Does he ask about me? I write him letters."
"Yeah, he mentioned those."
"He reads them, then?" His smile was so bright Harry lost his footing and had to brace his hand on the nearest wall so he didn't fall flat on his face. Bloody veela.
"Yeah, he does. He's still being stubborn, though."
"Oh." The hope disappeared from Draco's face and he turned to continue directing Harry to the lab. A maze of staircases and corridors later, he knocked on a wooden door, but didn't bother to wait for a reply before going in. Harry followed cautiously, waiting for the line of vitriol Snape was likely to throw at them. It never came. Snape was standing over a bubbling cauldron, face scrunched in concentration. He looked clean for once, his hair washed and cut short, but he was still much too skinny, and he wasn't wearing black. Harry blinked. He couldn't remember a time when his former professor hadn't worn black. The white cotton shirt and khaki trousers looked oddly Muggle and a little disconcerting on Snape.
"Severus, Harry is here to bother you," Draco drawled, shifting around a counter to fidget with a few bottles of potions ingredients.
Snape looked up and eyed Harry over his cauldron before going back to what he was doing. "Good afternoon, Mr. Potter. As you can see, I am complying with your mandate. This is a highly complicated batch of Wolfsbane. You'll excuse me for not stopping in the middle of the brewing cycle just to assuage your delusions of my threat to society."
"I don't think you're a threat to society, but I do need to make sure your parole conditions are being met."
"As you can see, they are. I have been under constant supervision by Draco, Narcissa, or a house-elf since entering the house. I may not even go to the lavatory without a house-elf looking in on me. I have produced several batches of potions for Hogwarts already, and this batch of Wolfsbane will be sent to St. Mungos. Are you satisfied?"
"Yes, very. Hogwarts will love the donation. Thank you." He smiled over at Draco, who was still fidgeting with the bottles and pretending as though he weren't listening even though Harry knew he was. "Thank you, Draco."
"What else am I supposed to do with all my gold? And the children deserve a high caliber of potions. I expect the same caliber when my own children attend."
This caught Harry off guard. "Your own children? I didn't know you could give birth. Did I miss a mediWizardry course?"
Draco gave him a withering look over his shoulder. "My surrogate children, you idiot. Malfoys don't allow a little thing like homosexuality to stop us from continuing the family line."
"Does Ron know this is going to happen?"
"I haven't mentioned it in my letters yet. I was afraid it would deter him. I thought we could talk about it when he agrees to be with me. Does he not want children?"
"Subconsciously, I think he does, but he doesn't think he's meant to have them."
"Subconsciously? That's a fourteen-letter word Potter. I'm surprised you didn't break a sweat."
"Do you always have to be a prat, Draco?"
Harry huffed out a frustrated noise and turned to Snape. "Well, Snape, I have to say that Draco was right. Getting you out of Azkaban has definitely helped your health. You look a thousand times better than you did the last time I saw you."
"But not better than I would have looked, had you not imprisoned me in the first place."
"I don't know about that. You always wore all-black before Azkaban, made you look sickly." Harry thought it might be in bad taste to mention the hygiene change. The glare he received told him that it probably was.
"I do not believe my choice in wardrobe is any of the Ministry's business."
"It isn't, I was just commenting. Sorry."
"You'll have to excuse Potter, Severus. He hasn't been around anyone whose entire wardrobe isn't made up of a violent shade of pink in ages. I expect he's in shock."
"Emma doesn't only wear pink, and I thought I already told you to watch what you say! That's my fiancée you're talking about."
"Fiancée? How sweet, you've asked the little marshmallow to marry you. I shudder to think what the wedding will look like." Draco rolled his eyes and turned to Severus. "Would you like tea?"
"Please," Severus responded, eyes returning to the cauldron. Draco arched an eyebrow at Harry in query and Harry nodded. The blond left the room to call for a house-elf and Harry found a stool. He watched Snape work for a while, occasionally asking him a question about how he was adjusting. Snape was terse, but he answered.
They were in the gardens; the sun was shining down on them and making Ron's beautiful hair shimmer bright orange. He was his own sun, and Draco was his moon, hovering, hoping to get close but never managing. Every step closer brought him a step further away. Frustrated, he started to walk faster and then to jog. His jogging morphed into a full-blown run, but Ron only moved further away the faster he ran. Draco was exhausted, panting, barely able to put one foot in front of the other, but he knew if he could just run a little faster, he would catch his prize.
He tripped and fell flat on his face in the grass, the once lush green foliage now brown with wintery death. The air around him grew cold; the clouds darkened and blotted out the sun. It began to rain and then snow. Draco shivered, tried to pull himself up from the cold ground, but he couldn't move. He looked up at his love, so far away from him. The sun still shone where Ron stood, the grass was green, the flowers in bloom, the birds still singing. It was a beautiful sight, and Draco wanted nothing more than to be with him. He called out to Ron, but it was as though a sound barrier had been charmed around him. Ron heard nothing. He slowly turned from Draco and walked away. Faintly, in the distance, a man was waiting for him. He took Ron's hand and kissed him.
Draco woke up crying out Ron's name in anguish. He stared up at the canopy of his bed, panting for breath, ashamed of himself. He was crying. His pillow was soaked with tears and Draco could feel the dried, salty tracks down his cheeks, moistened by the fresh tears still falling. He lay still for a long time, composing himself and trying to settle his nerves. It was the same every night. He had tried everything from Dreamless Sleep to illegal potions only available in Knocturne Alley, but nothing had helped. All he could dream about was Ron, out of reach and with another man. He woke up crying every night and could never get back to sleep. He now knew what his mother went through, every day an effort to stay awake and sane. He did not want to think about what her dreams might look like. His mate was alive, if currently unattainable. He couldn't imagine the gruesome dreams that would haunt him if Ron were dead.
As he lay in bed, listening to the sound of his own breathing, a new sound slowly seeped through his door from the hallway. Someone else was screaming. Severus.
Draco sat up and then hurriedly got out of bed and dressed. He hoped he could get to Severus' room before his mother, but half-way down the hallway the screaming stopped. The door was shut and locked. He knocked even though he knew it was futile. Severus didn't want Draco to see him so distressed. After the first night, he had asked Narcissa to lock the door when she came to comfort him so that Draco couldn't enter and see him so distraught. Draco hated this, but he understood the desire not to lose face in front of a former pupil. Resigned to waiting outside, Draco slumped against the wall and slid down to sit just to the right of the door and wait. It wasn't as though he would be sleeping any time soon anyway.
Form: 83352739
Name: Draco Malfoy
Registry Number: 625369
Date: 15 sept 2006
Age: 26
Mate: Ronald Weasley
Current Location: London, England
Number of Sexual Encounter(s): 0
Name(s) of Partner(s):
Age(s) of Partner(s):
Species of Partner(s):
Description of Sexual Encounter(s): I have been unable to achieve an erection since the day my mate rejected me. I will leave this portion of the form blank from now on as I know I will never be able to allow another man to touch me again.
Was non-Veela magic used during the encounter(s)?:
If so, what spell or potion was used and what were its affects?:
Did any encounter result in pregnancy?:
Was Veela Power used in any manner not involved in finding a mate?: No
If so, how and why?:
Comments: I cannot bare this. I dream of him every night and awake screaming. My body is wracked with pain every minute of the day. I need him more than I need air to breathe. It is a struggle every morning to wash and dress and eat and function like a normal member of society. If this goes on much longer, I may have to see a Healer. Please, if there is anything I can do to lesson this pain, I need you to tell me. Please.