The fourth Dra(w)bble Duel included ten wonderful dra(w)bbles! Please reply to your favourite dra(w)bbles with the word 'VOTE' in your subject! You can vote for as many dra(w)bbles as you want.
A Hit is Hard to Resist by
sexyscholar Cho Chang in Charge by
wwmrsweasleydo I Win by
A Letter From the Dark by
wwmrsweasleydo With Guest by
wwmrsweasleydo Interlude by
alhendra Untitled by
bucybuce7590 Stalemate by
Intimidation by
bishounenblaise /
wellington The Last Act of Nature by
marionetteblue3 And lastly, not part of the
ficadron or voting is this rec by
wellington for
fitzette 's
Voting ends Monday, October 12th, 12:00am GMT. Keep your eyes posted to the community to see the final results!