Mar 06, 2006 17:16
okay this.
If you are reading this, even if we don't talk that often, post a comment of a memory of you and me - good or bad. When you are finished, post this on your livejournal and be surprised by what people remember about you.
---Tater tots + Popsicle = the best dinner possible.
today was pretty good.
lunch was great! haha pretzel war. sorry Kyle!! didn't mean for it to go there. lol.
omg i almost forgot! I almost hit a kid in the meijers parking lot!!
i was driving and then he popped out in front of me and i'm like...oh snap. it was bad. lol.
Segment two tonight. LAST DAY!! then i get my license thing at the end b/c i forgot a day last month.
seeing pascoe=bad. but he's a cool guy when he's not a grump.
I hope everything went well at the docs rachael!! hope nothing's bad! <333
yeah well not much more to say..except gustavo. lmao. okay well i gotta go get ready!